Similar to the now deleted by author post, I pugged Awakened Heroic VotI earlier today, April 27th, specifically Dathea, which I was loot eligible for when killed, had two Storm-Eater’s Boon drop, one of which I won the roll for with a 97. Chat showed that I won the roll, I thought it was in my bags, so I dropped group and went off to go push some keys. While swapping some gear around, I noticed it was not, in fact, in my bags.
The kill happened at roughly 4:20pm PST. The actions I’ve taken thus far to attempt to trigger the mail to appear have been:
Send mail to the character affected with an alt, log out and back in, exit and reload the game, create a raid group with a friend to re-enter the raid and manually loot Dathea’s body which was not there, and killing a legacy raid boss without looting it which did not prompt the current Awakened Raid item to be sent to me, but all of the legacy gear was. I’ve also tried the mail recovery system from the in-game support button, to no avail.
I get it, week one of season, things might be broken, but I’m failing to understand how this postmaster mailing system, which is working in all other aspects of the game, is failing to function with the Awakened Raids, but if it is indeed a bug, it’s at least been narrowed down to dragonflight raids.
At the time of writing this, it has now been roughly five and a half hours with no mail containing the item yet, and there is a separate support ticket opened which can hopefully help to resolve the issue as well.
Edit: Weird timing, but after making this post, the mail appeared, almost exactly five and a half hours after winning the loot. Gonna leave this up for anyone else who experiences the same issue though, because that’s a ridiculous wait time to receive an item.