what is the easiest way to get a wolf mount for alliance? my main is a worgan and i want to ride a wolf i made a horde orc and got a wolf mount for it but when i went to use it for my worgan it showed up as something else. hope it was ok to post this in here.
I think you can get a wolf if you do Leather Working.
Google it and see if you like it!
EDIT: And a moose! The only thing is, I think you have to keep LW to keep the mount? I could be wrong.
Easiest would be to buy the Garn Nighthowl on the AH. They’re usually only a few thousand these days.
On my panda I can mog him with the Antorus druid set to look like a bear wearing a bear. Even further I have the Blackpaw so I can be a bear wearing a bear riding a bear.
This. But also you can get the green glowly variant with one of the Dreanor Glory achieves but that takes a lot longer and is a lot harder to get.
There’s also one for an achievement involving the stables in the Garrison. That one will take a week or two IIRC.
Garn nighthowl, usually the ah has them for cheap
As others have said, Garn Nighthowl is a good, high-res wolf mount that’s not locked to a faction. A couple thousand gold on the AH will get him for you:
Most of the wolf mounts are Horde-specific, but the Glory of the Raider achievement from Draenor, like Fayorie said, is also available if you like the flaming-fel-green look. Belitt is also right, the mount you’re looking for from the Stables is the Trained Snarler:
The Dustmane Direwolf from Leatherworking’s Riding Harness is available, it’s a whitish wolf that’s pretty cool (but does require that you max out Draenor Leatherworking and keep the profession, as you can’t use it without that:
Warcraft Mounts has a gallery of all the different wolf looks that are available to Alliance that you can check out as well for alternatives; I can paste the hyperlink but it doesn’t automagically link to the site:
Stable in your garrison
WoD is a treasure trove for nonhorde wolf mounts
I know nothing about the garrison. I have leather working so ill look into that part. This may sound stupid but when you say AH, you mean the auction house right?
Yep. AH is shorthand for auction house
Garn snaggletooth or something. He is on the ah for usually less than 800 gold.
So how do i begin with the garrison stuff?
Glory of the Hellfire Raider gives you a fel-green wolf.
Edit: Infernal Direwolf
- be 90
- go to dark portal
- talk to catgar
- do WoD intro scenario
- build your garrison
- do ! Missions that pop up in your garrison
- build stable on a medium plot
- do ! Missions that pop up in the stable
- receive wolf mount eventually
Cool. Thanks. Still have a few lvls to go then. Im currently saving gold to buy the last riding mastery i need so after that ill check out the auction house. Taking forever to build up 4 thousand gold but im close.
That’s easy! breaks a Worgens back so it can only run on all fours There you go a perfect mount for your Worgan character! :3
This is weird, in the way Goofy has a pet dog sorta way…
Can we all get mounts of ourselves?
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