Woke up this morning hoping to see an AQ nerf/bug fix update

Nothing yet. Worried about blizzard letting bigAQ go another week with all these bugs and overturned bosses.

Come on blizzard, don’t let us down


4 hour maintenance though

theres hope for some fixes woooo

Zirene said they are adding idols to the aq10 hardmode chests to help with those a bit, I assume there will be other changes. They are always slow with hotfix notes.

is there a post to that

he posted on twitter

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not everyone can read that cuz he is selectively blocking people lol, also post changes on official sites jc devs nowadays.

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why on earth do you want a nerf? This is the first fun raid we have had in classic because it is actually a challenge but also manageable. you want to go back to the MC and BWL snoozefest? Find a better guild


you gotta be delusional to call cthun fun, probs killed toomany bugs.
that fight is anything but that, rng clownfiesta, overtuned spawns? yes.

It’s the bugs that are agregious, why does ouro not respawn after a reasonable amount of time. 1 attempt nice. Cthun spawns eyes balls / big adds after we kill the belly to make him vulnerable plus the regular timer adds. But was not like this on the world first kill were they had a negligible amount of adds compared to ours.

From what I have seen so far they nerfed the HP of the worms on fankriss by 50%, and they also buffed the HP for everything inside of ruins of aq

you can read posts while blocked now.

Still need an account, which intelligent people refuse to make.

there’s no statistical evidence of that. In fact, quite the opposite.

What? Mate, you need an account to look at replies on Twitter. This is an objective truth. Don’t be a weirdo.

but all the smart people have one.
don’t ad hominem me, gnome.

No, pretty sure having a Twitter at this point means you’re dumb. Sorry.

oh. you’re one of those.

I am out.

cleared twin emps, raid appears to be fixed