WoD was better

The zones were better, the dungeons were better. The game style was amazing, legion piggy backed off this so well and just fixed what WoD was bad at (lack of content).

Playing BFA is a chore. I literally hate this.

Can we hurry up and bring out the overwatch mmo already?


While I’ll admit I preferred WoD I wouldn’t say the game style was amazing. For me it was definitely WoD > Legion > BFA


I think legion was the best expansion in this games history. But yeah, WoD was just good. Its just a shame that so much emphasis was placed on the Garison. WoD raids were better too.

Overwatchs conception is from the failed remnants of an MMO, that Blizzard has admitted they’re not ready to make another one.

So don’t get your hopes up for that Overwatch MMO that will never exist.

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I will take Uldir over Highmaul raid any day.

WoD had some better class balance.

WoD also had quite a bit of time gating we seem to be forgetting about.

WoD had a mission table that I am not sure if we hate or love. Most people seem to hate the mission table, and it was a major focus in WoD.

WoD was much more “to-do” list than BFA. It felt much more chore-like to me.

WoD did not have m+ or world quests. No m+ is a major negative for me. Means I very quickly stop logging in unless its raid night.

WoD also made a variety of professions absolutely useless.

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I personally think that BFA is really good from an aesthetic stand point. The quests are good, the stories are good. The scenery and music are great. It’s just the overall mechanics of the expac are just busy work, mostly borrowing from Diablo 3 living off of RNG generated content. Blegh.

I wont judge BFA to the other xpacs until 8.2. The .2 patch is generally where expansions turn around.

Look at Mist. Had a pretty shaky and horrible first half. 5.2 comes along, and now Mist is a top pick for a lot of people.

4.2 Firelands. The Highlight of Cataclysm.

5.2 Thunder King. Arguably one of the best patches in WoWs history, in my opinion.

6.2 Hellfire and Tanaan. Brought flying, and the raid was fairly decent.

7.2 Tomb of Sarg was great. Broken shore was meh. Brought Order Hall Mounts and Flying.

8.2 Will bring new zones, new dungeon, Azshara, Azerite armor rework, Heroic difficulty to warfront, etc.


WoD had some issues but PVP, the gearing model, and class design weren’t that nearly as far off as they are now. I put a lot of time into that expansion, optimizing wPVP with all the garrison and world toys and bodyguards. I collected a bank full of broken bones (too bad they never created a vendor for those…).

I wasn’t stuck on a gear treadmill. When I replaced a piece, I still felt like I accomplished something. When I was done with the gear treadmill for the week, I got out into the world to smash Horde.

I never got to that point with BFA. I could drone on and on about this system or that, but I’m just not having fun in BFA and I did in WoD, despite its issues.


WoD? The Farmville of WoW? I wouldn’t say sitting in garrison all day is better than having stuff to do out in the world.

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Lets be real mate. BFA is just Legion 2.0.

my personal rating is

MoP > WotLK > BC > Cata > Vanilla > Wod > Legion > BFA

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I got into that cycle for a little bit, then I realized that I didn’t have to go to my garrison much at all. Maybe 5 min a day is all I’d spend there. Not sure how people got bound to their garrisons beyond not having other good hubs in the world. But then people would complain that everyone just sat in this city or that. I spent a lot more time at my outposts out in the world, or I’d just hit stealth outside of the opposite faction’s camp when I had to log out—since I knew I’d be right back at it once I logged back in.

Classes certainly played better.


I agree what WoD was better because of the gear! We had tier sets in WoD! And they didn’t look like utter rubbish!

BfA is nothing, NOTHING like Legion.

Legion was a fantastic expansion.

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How can you get it so right. Then get it so wrong. They need to instantly fire the people who make these decisions. They could have not changed a damm thing from legion and we would have kept playing and kept enjoying. The other plannet thing was really dumb thought that had a lack of funding. Small zone. Aweful dungeon. Even worse raid. Surely by now they know what works and what doesn’t. Who here isn’t going to sub? I have 14 days left and there’s not a chance in hell im giving my money to these losers. The customer service has tanked to all time lows as well.

MOP the best for me luvs the sounds

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WoD was/is trash and you meme trolls will never change that.

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It fundamentally cannot be Legion 2.0 if its essentially a lower rating on your “personal score”. Maybe try Legion 0.5, since it didn’t really improve on anything.

WoD just had a perfect start until you realize 90% of everything was just scrapped.

oh god why. Overwatch is a mess currently… just run GOATS and win every game.

BFA still has more patches. Plus 8.1 didn’t release only a selfie camera as content.

Many say this. I remember Celestalon saying ele “was a little OP” Yet nobody could figure out the super secret rotation to make it… viable.

My view on that soured when blizz stated “we don’t want you playing demo” and completely nerfed it into the ground.

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