WoD T2/T3 Crafted Gear gone forever?

So with pre-patch, the T2 and T3 crafted appearances from WoD are no longer obtainable. It’s been around two months since pre-patch can we expect some kind of fix for this or are we just SOL? If this removal was intentional I guess I’d understand but there was seriously no warning at all that they were ninja removing this gear/appearances from the game.

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In before those who say

StOp CoMpLaInInG aBoUt OlD cOnTeNt

Old content is still part of this game.

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they said they will bring it back but in a special way

They will create yet another currency to grind.

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Tf does that even mean? More like Blizzard is lazy af and doesn’t wanna deal with it so they give us some bs answer and are hoping we would just eat it up and completely forget about it.

I don’t know about the “special way” comment. I posted the actual blue post above. It doesn’t say anything about a “special way.”

“Future patch”
I’m not holding my breath, Blizzard has a horrible track record with these kinds of things. Hard to believe Blizzard is a billion dollar company. This should of been hotfixed forever ago.

It was an unintended side effect of Shadowlands development. Probably has something to do with tiers of crafting from Legendaries, dunno.

I’m sure if we keep harping on them about it, they’ll get it fixed.


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they said, that they will add their apperances back to the game on a later date. They said that like 5 days before the exp was lauched. Wait a bit.

Sure I’ll wait a bit as they continue taking money out of my bank account every month.

I got like 3 expansions to got those. I think you had more, or one less. and if you are new, waiting isn’t that bad. Its frustranting, I know. But not awfully unplayable level of frustration.

I know many people who didn’t give a heck out of those sets till they got Removed

this thing needs to be fixed
we’re going to fix it
that answer’s not good enough DO IT NAO

Its been two months since they said they were going to fix it. Wtf is the hold up?

The expansion has only been out for a couple of weeks and we’ve had no major patches.

They have been hot fixing things on the daily. W/e lets see how long it takes them to fix this if they ever do.

it’ll be the end of expansion catchup gear would be my bet, seen that a few times as it save them development time for the next expansion. lol

like they did the first tier Glad armor of BFA for icc currency before SL

or M vaults pandaria sets , being the same as the armor from Timeless Isle tokens.

ect ect