Hello all. I have been trying for months to complete the Garrison Campaign achievement. I have 5 of them left to complete, and I have no idea how to complete them. I have gone on Wowhead and Google to see where the quest starts, who I need to talk to, etc. I have even tried the next steps in the quest lines, but there has been nothing. Bodrik Grey and Lt. Thorn are supposed to have quests for me, but they never do. I have been at this every day for 3 months, and I am extremely lost. Does anyone else have this issue and was able to resolve it?
I have started doing every quest I encounter in case I missed a step but nothing yet.
Did you figure this out. I am going back working on old content that I didnt finish and can’t find the start of the garrison campaigns. Bodrick Grey is here but has no quests.
You need a level 3 garrison first and if I recall it originally unlocked weekly, you did one a week, with no catch up.
I dont think the missive count you can buy for resources, even if they are for the same area.