WM Bad Phasing

Is it just me or are the horde always grossly outnumbered? I mean we will still zug zug and try for the crates anyway, and often we will create quite a disruption, but ultimately we will not win because I have now for months seen only 2-3 horde vs. 10-20 alliance at EVERY. SINGLE. crate drop. I am not overexaggerating. Maybe it’s just bad phasing or maybe it’s legitimately that horde just aren’t opting for WM.

But as someone on Area52, I would expect to see slightly better numbers on our side or at least better phasing!? Is it because the alliance all have the best pvp racials? Looking for perspective BUT also begging blizzard to fix it.

Not a lot of fun as Horde on RP realms either, is how it is. Sometimes we get people making huge crate raids in the Sparks zone tho, which is fun.

Ig it’s a trend that’s being going on for years now. I read that Horde had a better time getting the crates until Ally started to. Now if I really need crates as Horde, gotta stick to old zone crates in BFA and DF, those zones are mostly ded but offer the same rewards from their crates.