With transfers... where to go?

Alliance leaving Skeram, Fairbanks, Herod… where will they go?

Incendius probably. (If they want a moderately balanced high pop server)

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Should all go to Stalagg

anyone know how whitemane alliance is doing ?

Incendius will willingly take all of you, in our discord we are 2921 Alliance to 2953 Horde


Alliance don’t have it that bad on Fairbanks. A lot of the horde are basically raid-logging PvErs and the alliance presence is massive in world pvp.

Go to the servers where things are so good that players are worried about transfers coming in…

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Yeah I’m quite thankful to our Ally, they are not pushovers. We have a good server.

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Wont be for long then haha

:purple_heart: second this

Earthfury of course.

This is very un Incendius like to be toxic.

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Clearly you don’t spend much time playing on Incendius. Yang Gang and Atlas is full of toxicity alone, you’d know… you were in Yang Gang, weren’t you?

Awh, the lurker who only replies to threads with a violin is mad about Yang Gang and Atlas D: looks like you need a violin my friend

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Herod is the most advanced server for Alliance with the most active PVE and raiding activity. Why would people leave?

:violin: Stay butthurt getting called out. Nice toxicity. VeRy Un-InCeNDiUs LiKe


oh the irony

Yep. :salt: :violin:

evidently, they’re all coming to whitemane to make our queues even worse. neato.

But I gotta pway with my favowite stweamo

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