With this type of blood elf additions:

with body jewelry becoming a thing please make high res skimpy gear to be able to show off these new additions!


For men too, thanks!


for all ! all should be able to express the way they wanti!


Yes please! I need new pretties.

I do have a little concern that the article linked talks about the body jewelry options being removed in the latest build. I was pretty stoked when I saw the chains and I do want them, please.


lull you are amazing i totally agree i hope they are not removed if this is true.


They better be in the game. I wanna change Rosenivy to a guy just so I can lounge in lavish, himbo glory.

Like a male version of Slave Princess Leia


Just this little line to cause worry about not having that lovely body jewelry.
I really, really hope it does make it in the game. It’s such a pretty accessory.


I just want blood elf druids :cry:


People have been asking for this forever now.

blizz knows its popular. female blood elves consist of like 80% of skimpiness. thats like, 60% of the entire horde population . so why dont they add it ugh

I am not sure honestly since they allow us to hide lots of armor now.

i have a great idea. global skimpy armor that can be used by any class/armor type like they have done with the blizzcon and shadowlands armor set.

so less work and massive profit

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I just want a hot pink manthong with accenting neon green flames. In all armor weights.

I was hoping we would get more bikini-type shirts, since we can hide chestpieces. Shirts, everyone could wear those. Skimpy for everyone!

Now we just need some cosmetic bikini-type legs to go with those, if we get em. :wink:

CCP and leftist extremist don’t like sexy stuff.

If they take away body jewelry for arcane, or farstrider tattoos I’ll be all for it.