With the next phase, Blizzard needs to implement the following changes for new and returning players:

One: retune runes so that they only require one person to do, and also so that they’re less intensive to acquire. Additionally, move runes locked behind rep grinds to new vendors so that new players can get them earlier.

Two: Retune BFD and Gnomer so that five man groups can do them at the appropriate levels, and remove the lockouts.

Three: Retune ST so that Ten Man raids can do them, and remove the lockouts, so people can do ST like UBRS.

Four: Give leveling players a buff so that they can do normal leveling quests in Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes while the eruption event is going on

Five: Remove the quest requirement to access the upgraded Teir 0.5, so people can get in to raids more quickly.

All of these are just suggestions to make it easier to get into the game without feeling like you’re fighting an uphill battle, especially when some of the best gear is locked away inside raid lockouts.

I’m not aware of any runes locked behind a rep grind.

yeah, there are two factions that you have to grind rep for to get access to certain runes: the supplies faction for your race faction and the emerald wardens.

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I think you can just buy the rune from the emerald wardens now even at neutral. The supply crate faction still needs friendly though I think.

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Oh you’re right! It took me all of 15 minutes on each of my chars so I totally forgot about it.

uh… i’m sure it took a lot longer than that. unless you did it in phase 1, in later phases it’s a lot harder.

Did it couple weeks ago. Was quick and easy.

This needed to be done day 1 tbh.

These seasonal “seasons” are moving WAAAAAAAAAAAAY to fast for the toxic quest chain that you have to do for .05

no it’s not, you have to take time out of leveling to grind professions for each supply box you find. it’s not quick at all, and it’s not as easy as you claim, unless you happen to be buying gold, or have had gold send down from your higher level main, which isn’t an option for new players.

Yeah, and it’s also pretty expensive, materials wise.

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They removed the rep requirement for emerald wardens with P4.

Also, supply boxes are stupid fast.

uh, no they’re not. they’re difficult to fill at low levels if you don’t have a main to give you gold.

Skill issue. Have you tried getting gud?

it’s not a skill issue, and i’d thank you kindly to stop trolling and say something constructive for once.

There is no rep required for emerald wardens

yes, but there is for the supply faction.