I mean it seems like a win for everyone eh especially with disarm being bloated.
im down
How about a melee counterpart to Precog? If you land a kick, you are immune to CC for 5 seconds?
It’s annoying to juke a kick and then get CCd.
It’s also annoying to land a kick and then get put into CC from a different spell school.
Although, it’s really Mages who have too much CC across schools. Kick the poly, get DB/Rooted >Ringed. Kick a Ring>get Polyd.
It’s also weird how Blizzard thinks the game has too much CC, and then gives Survival an AOE Disarm.
Yea, and then every melee attack you do can be interrupted and every caster gets a disarm.
Interrupting Melee is called being out of melee range.
You mean like when the gates open?
I don’t buy this whole “woe is me” caster crap. We all can watch AWC and see melee is essentially boiled down to Rogues at the higher end of gameplay. (Who just got big nerfs. Arms is going to take the PvP crit nerfs to the face as well.)
Tbh, I don’t think Precog should exist for anyone. I think 5 seconds of cc immunity is too strong for simply landing or juking a kick. At least, Precog should only apply to the person you juked, not the whole team.
i feel like this isn’t a horrible change. you should be rewarded for skillful plays like juking.
Not sure if you have been paying attention to the pvp landscape but caster’s learning curve insane compared to melee.
You could juke a kick and still had to deal with 2 other kicks and 5-10 other stops (encaps, disorients, stuns). Casting became a thing of the complete past and all damage was moved to instant cast.
This isn’t fun for anyone.
I thought that Disarm used to be like 10 seconds.
The duration might get tweaked depending on pacing.
Am I missing something? Aren’t there only like 4 disarms in the game, all through PvP talents too?
Meanwhile, everyone has a kick besides Holy / Discipline Priests. Precog being an embellishment was needed. Melees don’t need anything else.
They should probably put an internal cooldown on precog embellishment, similar to the cloth embellished pvp pants. Can only proc every 15s or something.
You aren’t missing anything, that is why they added it.
It took blizzard years to implement this change , arguably casters should have been rewarded for juking since Legion.
They were by avoiding the enemy interrupt.
Then to be followed by a form of CC to stop the cast anyway.
Your reward for juking is freecasting lol
That would be kind of funny. Maybe if you land a kick it locks all spell schools and not just 1
Casters are already best and we’re only in s1.
seeing as they just added in a sv hunter aoe disarm in 10.1