With near universal approval can we get a response about dual spec please

Because a great deal of people on Heartseaker ran away from Stalagg rather than enjoy PVP on the PVP server they rolled on. It’s more or less the definition of dishonor.

Of course I disagree. I’ve already stated reasons why. If you’d read what I’ve stated, how can you be asking this question?

I said that the forums are filled with trolls, nolifes, and people mad about something. Do you actually disagree with that? Do you actually believe the forums are representative of the average player?

That’s called extortion …

In IRL it is illegal, and generally impolite …

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Well, considering that I have about 7 times more experience with the forums than you do, AND I also have trust level 3 (meaning I haven’t been suspended, so I can post links), do I disagree with an ad hominem attack you made?

Yes, I do. Of course I do.

Let me ask you this though, of the 3 types you’ve stated, which do you identify as?

I think that the forums are representative of some of the players. When it comes to millions of people, I don’t know that defining an “average” is meaningful.

Why do people come to the forums? In most cases it is because they are mad about something. If you look at the threads, they’re all people complaining.

I’m a mix of complainer and nolife. Mostly complainer, but I wouldn’t have spent hours arguing with you if I had something better to do.

Happy people have no reason to come here.

In some cases, sure people come to the forums because they are mad about something. I don’t know that that is in most cases.

I highly doubt that people go to the Trust Level 3 Lounge forums to post because they are mad about something. Indeed, I don’t think I’ve seen any “mad” posts in that forum.

I also don’t think that being mad is the only reason people post on these forums. If I were to make a guess using the term “most” about these forums, I would guess that most people who post on these forums care about WoW.

Do you think that this tanking guide for WoW Classic was from someone who wasn’t happy?

Do me a favor, go to the forum directory, read the top 50 threads and tell me how many threads were started by someone who is happy. The thread you linked is from two years ago.

I’m not interested. I got a feral spec that works for everything I do. But druids are perfect so I understand you other junk classes want more gibs.


Oh, does it matter when it’s from?

How are you defining top 50?

That’s also a pretty big ask btw. 50? Skip to the point pls.

I’ll give you the TL;DR (but you might not like it). You don’t have a lot of experience and still don’t understand everything. I could say the same thing about myself. But we’re at different stages on that spectrum. We don’t agree now. We might never agree.

RealID got pretty close to 100% universal agreement between players :rofl:

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I don’t know how to determine whether someone is happy, but a large enough number of them do not seem to be complaints, that I think a scan of that list sort of speaks in disfavor of whatever point you’re trying to make.


You know exactly what I mean so why are you asking stupid questions?

This conversation started because I said the forums are filled with trolls, nolifes, and people mad about something. If you skim through the titles, it should be obvious that people aren’t here to tell Blizzard what a good job they’re doing, or how much fun they’re having.

I’ve already linked, so no need to be rude nor offensive. (also ad hominem).

Great. Ad hominem.

I’m not sure how well you’ve thought this through, but what point are you trying to get at?

(also, note above that I did link to the top posts, and skimmed through them — they are certainly not all complaint posts from disgruntled individuals)

Let’s go through your list shall we…

“This explains a lot about Blizzard QA… Overworked, underpaid, lack of benefits, hostile work environment. But hey, Bobby’s yachts aren’t gonna buy themselves.”

“Removing /spit & /whistle is blaming the players for your toxic workplace”

“Blizzard. It is time to give us hard dungeons that have nothing to do with time”

“This is why your game is failing miserably”

“Death By A Thousand Cuts”

“Dear Whoever is Still in Charge”

“It’s Finally Time to Take a Break From Retail”

“Your Servers Are Crap and Guilds Are Dying Because of It”

“Normalize pvp gear”

Shall I continue?

Of course.

^ do that.

People come to forums to complain. That is what they’re for. Why are you making such a big deal out of it?

Here are the first 25 threads in this forum…

Server merges WHAT are you waitin on?
Petition for Tri-Spec
If you are unhappy with the loss of same-faction BG removal
Premades are back
Will TBC enable Character Transfer between linked accounts?
Pay me 7 figures to save your game
The state of gameplay in classic right now - a 2 hour attempt to play TBC Classic
Arena Feedback - Priority Changes
You guys see every change killing the game further and you want more?
Ill be holding off on buying diablo 2 remaster coming up
Make the Phase-Hunter fly!
No more HvH
Personal PvP Feedback so Far
Same-Faction Battlegrounds and More
LW + (Eng vs BS) for Enh Shaman
EOTS Strategy
The TBC Classic Community wants Dual Spec
Start arena teams at 1,500 rating and
Bladefist Dropped for me Today!
Horde PVP que times
Horde: please don’t go to Benediction. Details here
Server merge idea for now and future! Forever all Classic
Why anti duel spec?
Server Merges Are All That Will Save This Dying Game

Interesting. We’re clearly looking at different places when:

Obviously by “top” you mean “top” right?

And by 50, you mean 50, right?

I didn’t even realize there was a “Top” feature. I wanted you to go to this forum’s directory and read the top 50 posts(top 50 being the first 50 on the list, starting from the top).

I didn’t either, until you said I know what you meant, and looked for it. lol

i think there is a version of the game with this , retail. you can join there

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