For most classes, Rogues are going to have a huge reality check coming their way. The narcissism on reddit posts will die very quickly from Rogue players.
Rogies are screwed. Countless bugs with vanish, spell batching hurting their stuns, their class not scaling well, Spy addon, and now the PvP trinket. There is little reason to be playing a rogue versus a warrior right now.
I’ll keep playing my rogue because that’s the class that I genuinely enjoy the most, but we are not a strong class at all in classic.
Go pve rogues u still got ur top dps, but ur not needed in pvp anymore
You must have not played vanilla… trinket doesn’t work that way.
you’re in for a rude awakening if you think trinket will save you
World of Roguecraft disagrees.
Here’s some good proof that people will cry about anything on this forum. Rogues are getting a trinket too fyi, and the trinkets have always been part of classic rank rewards. They are not some big surprise. You would have already known they were coming, and what they did (if you bothered to look).
clearly I read it when I wrote “For MOST classes”. If you took or actually passed a reading comprehension class, you would have deduced that on your own. Clearly you don’t know what each class trinket does hence why you skimmed two small sentences just to write a long diatribe to see your own writing. Sorry you have to earn your kill on MOST classes instead of boring people to death like how that snoozefest of a dueling tournament was in that fashion.
For someone insulting my intelligence (or trying at least), you’re making numerous ignorant/wrong assumptions yourself, all aimed at someone you know nothing about. Quite amusingly, I actually have a chart for exactly what these do on every class. It’s just 1 thing from my giant classic WC excel database. Most of this was made before Blizzard even announced they were going to rehost this.
Shamans, Hunters and Warriors have the best pvp trinks hands down.
God rank coverage
Shaman - Immobilizing, Slowing, Stun - Can dispel fears, sleep, charm with tremor, no weakness, totems can be used while silenced in Vanilla so most CC can be grounded or tremored through a blanket silence.
S rank coverage
Mage - Fear, Poly, Slow - No coverage on charm but can blink stuns/roots
Priest - Fear, Poly, Stun - overlap with additional fear protection, can dispel most slows/roots, no charm protection.
Paladin - Fear, Poly, Stun - Can dispel most slows/roots, no charm protection
A rank coverage
Warrior - Immobilizing, Slowing, Stun – zerk rage gets fear/incap, no poly/charm coverage
B Tier Coverage
Rogue - Charm, Fear, Poly – No coverage on stun
Hunter - Immobilizing, Slowing, Stun – no coverage on fear, poly/charm
F Rank Coverage
Warlock - Charm, Fear, Poly – No coverage on stun, lock can dispel charm, fear, poly, No coverage on roots and slows. This is where many undead warlocks wish they rolled Orc instead.
That’s my thoughts. Trinket is better when the natural kit covers the other CC.
(Edit: Updated Shaman from Sodoope’s correction, they cover basically everything)
One of the best in pve
thanks for considering the classes abilities too rather than just the trinket.
It’s odd, because rogues are on here every day crying about…well…everything. But yet there are billions of them out in the world happily ganking low health and lower level players without any problems. This entire forum reminds me of politics. Lobby, lie, spin just to gain advantage. It’s no wonder Blizzard ignores these forums.
it won’t matter much because trinket has huge CD
Honestly though Rogue doesn’t suffer much from lack of stun protection. Outside of short RNG procs and and Warstomp Alliance Rogues only have to worry about Druid and other Rogue stuns.
Horde has Pally to contend with on top of Druid but that’s really it.
There aren’t too many “true” stuns in Classic PvP.
Still not great for sure, but pretty decent still.
I didn’t mention Rogue because obviously in a mirror match both suffer equally from not having stun break on trinket.
The narcissism will not die down, it will wear a mask called martyrdom. "oh woe is rogues! "
You trinket I blind, reset, and do it over again but this time you have no trinket.
I’m just killing you with extra steps.
I know not everyone gets hit the same but…that trinket wont save from some Ambushes.
Plate > than trinket in that case haha