No one but Death Knight players consider them full Necromancers. They rely on the runes in their weapons for that magic. Magic supplements their combat. True Necromancers focus on magic. They are scholars. The original Death Knights made by Gul’dan were Necromancers. The Lich king Death Knights are simply undead that supplement sword fighting with small amounts of magic.
I would prefer it to be a full class like Goregoth mentioned in the survey.
I am a Dk and I don’t think they are the same. Would love a full necromancer caster.
For a troll player this would be a dream come true! Would be cool if they used inspiration from Zanzil, Hex Master Zalazane, and Jin’do the Hexxer!
It would be awesome if some of the Spells referenced Bwonsamdi, Shadra, Hakkar, Hethiss and Hir’eek. Other Loa like Krag’wa , Gonk, and Bethekk could also be awesome!
Same here. It sounds very cool!
Witch Doctors in WoW lore are effectively a cross between Shaman & Shadow Priest… totemic rituals and shadow magic… so I could see them as a 4th spec for Shaman… but I can also see them as a whole class because their are multiple ways that voodoo can be used as a Witch Doctor and they don’t actually have any shared abilities with Shaman besides the use of totems… Witch Doctor could be a cloth or leather wearing counterpart to Shaman expanding totem usage to two classes while focusing on dark rituals and shadow magic. It would even create an option for the pure Shadow healer archetype many want.
With Blizzard listing it as a full class under Witch in their survey I think it is likely that it will be a new class eventually. I am hoping for it being a individual class. There are lots of creative ways it could be done.
I also hope it is a full class. It seems silly to limit it.
I’m very curious to know exactly what a Witch class would do that couldn’t be done by existing classes.
Go read the survey that blizzard sent out. It explains it. No class practices Drust Magic. No class practices Gnoll decay magic. No class Practices Troll Voodoo. The fact of the matter is you are determined to not like it so its unlikely that anything anymore says will change your mind regardless of the information or ideas people have. If you don’t like it move on.
I don’t understand why people can’t scroll past what they don’t like. It seems petty.
Nooo. If this happened, then I would have to create a new main. Seriously though, would it only be attached to Horde and/or Zandalar troll? If so, then as much as I think I would enjoy this new class, I’m not sure I would ever give it a whirl.
Drust magic is used by people outside the Horde. Also at onetime blizz had shaman as Horde exclusive and Paladin as Alliance. It gave the factions a unique identity. You are not capable of making a Horde character?
Technically, Kul Tirans do. Where do you think their druids came from?
Playable Kul Tiran Druids do not. Drust magic is death magic. It is not currently usable.
Well, sure, I am capable to creating a Horde character, but I have always played Alliance, for 20 years, and don’t wish to cross over now. But I have also wished that Zandalar could be horde and alliance.
Maybe they can add a Alliance exclusive again? It could be fun to have faction exclusive classes.
Zandalari will never be Alliance. It makes no sense at all. I am so glad that they will never be on the Alliance. Alliance has had to many conflicts with Trolls. They murdered King Rastakhan who was the Zandalari leader. I am pretty sure that will never be forgiven.
Kul Tirans learned to be druids by adapting the ways of the Thornspeakers, a faction of Drust. It is, in fact, Drust magic.