Witch Doctor class

WoW Shaman is already a mashup of WC3 Farseer, Shaman, Witch Doctor, Spiritwalker and Shadow Hunter. So there are hardly any original Witch Doctor abilities that aren’t already in Shaman. Their “wards” are renamed “totems”.

I’ve always considered Shaman and Witch Doctor to basically be the same thing. ‘Some cooky, tribal medicine man/wizard.’

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I implore you, what could a Witch Doctor do that no other class can? What would make them different enough to be fun but same enough to be easy to pick-up-and-play?

The second color variation. :art::robot:

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I wouldn’t mind them changing it still. Would be nice removing the specs that have repeating names

They’re already in the game as priests and shamans.

At least would make good hero talents.

Current shaman is too generic to cater to someone wanting a witch doctor feel.