The general’s main issue is that it’s forced down the center with a big chokepoint around the middle which makes it impossible to pick up utility without sacrificing throughput or survivability, something which no player will ever do.
Furthermore, many of the utility talents are low effort remnant fillers meant only for visual appeal.
For example:
Improved amp curse. It is abysmal, serves almost no purpose and no one will ever put a point in it even if they could.
The same logic applies to banish, all of the drain life talents ( rip drain), the 2 pointer healthstone leech, fear’s extra 60% damage threshold ( which is nerfed to 20% in pvp lol), improved feldom?, improved shadowfury/shadowflame.
There should be no improved version of anything other than something that greatly alters the talent’s functionality, a small cd decrease should just be baked baseline. An example of what an improved talent could be:
Improved shadowfury: your shadowfury is now instant cast ( or 0.5s) , now that might appeal to some people ( especially pvpers), whereas now no one bothers taking it.
Shadowflame 70% snare is a joke these days, we’re not in classic anymore, snares mean nothing at all unless they’re 90% or roots. I don’t see how this talent will ever be picked in its current state.
Demonic resilience /teachingsotbharvest: the pet damage reduction has merit, sadly no one wants teachings and to path that way is to skip other important aspects of the tree.
Resolute barrier: every other class got their talents shifted away from rng reductions, heck even demo’s old tyrant rng was changed to a flat reduction, why is this talent still in its current state? Flat cdr is bis.
Dark accord: the cdr is too negligible for a defensive, 25% dr on a 2.25m cd is so strange when practically every other class’ 20-30% dr is 45s-1min. Why is lock’s wall such a long cd?
Mortal coil’s range is still 20y when many classes have 45+ range now, even melee classes have longer range on their cc, plz.
General pet issues: 6s cast times on pet remain the default when this qol happened in mop/wod then removed again, can we maybe have some qol back plz? Every other pet class has better tools to maintain/revive pets but warlocks are so attached to a 3min long cd that many in pvp opt to straight up sacrifice their pet to avoid the hassle.
Personally, if i could add something to the general tree it would be a heavier focus on curses.
This class has such a unique theme that is often neglected in favor of the fast-food streamlined design the class has went with over the years.
Bring us more curses, with more utilities. Instead of having 3 drain life talents that do nothing, imagine if those were 3 brand new curses instead.
Also feels like the current standard curses are too bland, for example:
Curse of exhaustion, instead of a flat 50%, exhausts the target slowing them by 10% and another 10% every second. Upon reaching 100% or after 10s the target is rooted for 3seconds. This process resets to 10% afterwards. Amp curse effect: instantly root the target.
(Makes more sense since exhaustion increases overtime).
Curse of weakness: reduces the target’s physical damage by 10% ( does not affect mobs immune to cc). Amp curse effect: disarm the target.
(Fits more with “weakness” than slower attack speed)
Tongues’s amp curse changed to 3s silence instead of double duration cast reduction ( silence emphasizes skill over standard frustration of longer cast times).
New* curse of mortality: reduces the target’s healing received by 25% ( does not stack with similar effects). Amp curse: healing prevented is transfered to the warlock instead.
New* curse of the iron maiden: enemies that damage you take %n spell power shadow damage in return. Amp curse: reflect 50% of all damage taken for 3secs , up to a maximum of 50% of your max hp.
New* curse of horror: enemies that strike you have a 5% chance of being horrified for 3s, fleeing from you. Amp curse: horrify the target for 3s.
New* curse of the mind: cause enemies to forget things, every ability used has a 20% chance (10s icd) to cause a random magical buff on the character to fall off. Amp curse: force the character to forget all their magical buffs, dispelling them.
These are just a few off the top ideas that would certainly be more flavorful than a “reduce your amp curse cd by 15s”.