Wish we had an Eldritch Knight class

Battle mages are a thing in the wow universe.

Theyre mages that fight in melee with magic and magically enhanced weapons.

Not playable obviously lol

I donā€™t blame him. Iā€™d love an actual battlemage. Maybe make Spellbreaker one of their specs! Thatā€™d be neat.

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Hell yeah!

Iā€™m just taking a jab at how squishy enh is, thatā€™s all lol.

Would they wear plate armor?

Who knows? This is all hypothetical :stuck_out_tongue:
Would I want them to? Personally, yes. My love of the character type comes from playing a battlemage in Morrowind. Heavy armor was one of their major skills. Then in Oblivion, it wasnā€™t. But Morrowind is vastly, vastly superior, so it wins.

I would actually role an such a class in a heartbeat. Enhancement Shaman is the closest Blizzard lets us get to one thatā€™s playable. But, Battle Mages are a thing in the lore. Rhonin even goes dual arcane swords in the War of the Ancients novels.

They could get some interesting specs - Spellbreaker for tanking, Spellblade as a DPS, andā€¦ I donā€™t knowā€¦ Barrier Master for Support or something? Since Augmentation Evoker is a thing, really opens the door to some new concepts of what a class can do.

If I was making it, Iā€™d make them either Plate or Mail.

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True enough.

Honestly Iā€™d be happy with just two specs for them. Like using Barrier magic in Spellbreaker for tanking. Summoning magical weaponry with Spellbladeā€¦ Oooooh I need to stop Iā€™m getting too excited for a class thatā€™ll never be.


Ooh, I love a good naming convention! That would work well, since those are pre-existing terms in WoW! Spellblade Aluriel used a shield, so maybe that can be like the base concept for the class. All specs use a shield!

I mean I kind of would prefer a two-handed specā€¦ But then again, Dragonā€™s Dogma had the Mystic Knight which used a Shield for spellcastingā€¦


Yeah, void themed knights/paladins/warriors would be interesting.

Shadow priests would be the cloth variant, and a Void/Eldritch Knight could be the plate variant. Kind of like Warlocks and Demon Hunters.

Iā€™m not exactly sure how theyā€™d work, though. Maybe they could use some sort of altered combination of the madness and metamorphosis systems?

We, um. Werenā€™t talking about Void themed Knights/Paladins etc. Eldritch Knight is a class name for a Magic Fighter in DnD. We were talking about the concept of an Arcane based melee fighter.

Eldritch means squid gods, Lovecraftian stuff, which predate DnD by like half a century. If you wanted to talk about a spellsword, then talk about a spellsword.

The term ā€œEdlritchā€ already exists in WoW, and it associates with void creatures and demons.

Either way, a spellsword isnā€™t a terrible idea, even if it is just mostly a warrior with different ability visuals.

So like a spell blade?

Iā€™d be down for that too.

Tbf eldritch doesnt strictly mean lovecraftian.
The word means something thats creepy and otherworldly.
So in the wow universe it would still be void. Maybe death or disorder could count.
But not arcane.

Iā€™m not sure why the dnd term uses the word for something that seems pretty normal haha

I can see it happening in the elves influenced expansion after The War Within. As some kind of Spellbreaker or Spellblade or something.

Look, I wasnā€™t going to call the class ā€œEldritch Knightā€ in WoW, I just used the name so people have a reference to look at.

Thereā€™s like 600 developers working on team 2 now. Imho, Iā€™d give each spec a developer and each class a team lead to oversee them, with the goal is seeing some iteration on each and every spec throughout the lifetime of the game.

If any class or spec feels neglected, thatā€™s really bad. People can recover from being mad at a change, especially if more are coming, they canā€™t get over feeling left behind, because thereā€™s nothing to look forward to.

Seems like a problem that a class skin would solve. But evidently instead of something people want we get ā€œHERO TALENTSā€.

Perhaps, I just donā€™t know between Paladin or Death Knight which would best have that ā€œSpellbladeā€ Warrior Iā€™m looking for.

ā€¦ Iā€™m also kind of looking forward to Hero Talentsā€¦