Winter's chill in M+ is punishing

We need to increase winter’s chill duration by 2-3 seconds.

  1. My overall can drop significantly based on how solid the healer is in higher keys. Using multiple defensives in a row, while costing globals, can take up just enough time so I can’t land a GS before winter’s chill expires. Then I’m fishing for procs. Timing defensives is the name of the game in M+ so this aspect doesn’t annoy me as much, and it adds skill BUT…

  2. What bothers me is that I see all our team’s CC is used up. And I have to shimmer in to dragon’s breath. Then I’m in melee and I have 3 secs left on my winter’s chill and I need to send a Glacial spike as part of my rotation, but it won’t land in time to shatter. I just lost soo much DPS on that pull that I feel awful. I had to blink in to CC. I had to. If I didn’t the tank or someone might have died from 3 simultaneous casts going off.

I don’t think CC’s (crowd controls) are as punishing to some specs in the current meta. I know locks also have this issue too with shadow fury. But a boomies loses almost no DPS to beam or typhoon/vortex combo.

Having to CC during a winter’s chill proc is something that has to be done to save a wipe, but it costs wayyy too much DPS at times for frost.

BUFF fire aoe, or fix this interaction for frost in keys. TY :smiley:

Please increase winter’s spell duration by 2-3 seconds. It won’t change our sim dps too much.


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Pretty sure a +2 second duration to winters chill is already in the 11.1 patch notes

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Yeah it really does depend on spec. Frost DK loses out on a ton of damage if you lose any GCDs during Pillar. Demo Locks can suffer quite a bit if messed up when setting up Tyrant.

I realized we might want to go back to the BFA meta of kick next, vs CC next.

Teams have built WAs around CC next because with all the casters in packs its the only way to push keys.

Kicking/interrupting isn’t as punishing and heals better in a dps rotation.

My guess is multi caster packs/current m+ design is actually the issue here.