Wintergrasp ownership is broken on Arugal and has been since launch

Wintergrasp is broken on Arugal for Alliance and has been for all of WotLK so far

" In Wrath of the Lich King Classic, this works in a fairly simple way, if anyone on your faction participates in and wins a Battle for Wintergrasp, your entire faction is granted the Essence of Wintergrasp and the buff will last until the next time the battle is initiated."

It currently isn’t working this way on Arugal. Alliance have had the buff something like 3 times in total so far for brief windows. We always win at least one of the WG’s and it doesn’t matter, still no buff.

This has cost us hundreds if not thousands of shards, blocked our ability to buy titanforged/other pieces and is also gimping leveling alts because we don’t get the 5% exp boost everyone else consistently has.

Please fix this. It’s already cost us a heap of shards. I’d already have multiple heirlooms if it wasn’t broken.


Reposting this for the benefit of the QA team, if they even read these forums.

This screenshot shows the state of wintergrasp keep, off the back of an alliance wintergrasp win. Horde able to use vendor. Both ally and horde in same phase. Ally unable to use and do not have the stonekeeper shard buff. There is no phasing in or around the keep.

As Chiffley has said, we’ve all done multiple world tours in the immediate aftermath of wintergrasp victories, and are potentially hundreds of shards behind players on horde.

pls fix this

This isn’t just Arugal. It’s Yojamba too, so therefore it must be the entire game?

It’s a shame the system is so bad and favors the horde who can steam the last game 20v120 because we have such a small pool.

must be oceanic problem then

It’s not so bad for horde in OCE. They get the keep all day every day.

Please fix this

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Yo so can we have wintergrasp a single time or

Same for Horde Benediction. For every 5 wins, I get control of wintergrasp maybe once.

I think the code or system is flawed. It was written that anyone on your server wins then it becomes available, but that’s not the case. It’s the last game out of all the instances which overrides it. Which is stupid. A win isn’t a win then.

Please refund every alliance level 80 500 stonekeeper shards, thanks


Every time I have gone to the fortress on Grob it’s has the Alliance vendors as well. You sure it doesn’t just phase for the Horde and Alliance? The fortress on the map never shows it’s controlled by anyone either. Because you are suppose to be able to do the raid as well unless you get mega unlucky and no one from our faction wins a WG for a whole week.

I’m at the point now where I have the marks I need for items but I can’t access the vendors to buy my titanforged which is gimping me for the arena season.

How long is a gamebreaking bug thats affecting an entire faction going to be allowed to go on? Is Blizzard going to compensate the 1500 or so people who play on arugal alliance and have all been shafted by this?

Bumping this - still not fixed

it’s all OCE not just Arugal.

broken on maladath now, won a match but never got a buff

still not fixed. just won and cant access vendors in the fortress

oce - arugal

Remulos is the same, alliance win and i dont have the buff and cant access the vendors or VOA on raid night

please god blizzard fix this

  • WG doesn’t work
  • When you queue for the instanced 120v120 its laggy as heck

Won again, no buff again. Still not fixed.

I was just in a WG defending. We started the game with ~100 Alliance. It took 2-3 mins after the game started to fill to the max 120, meaning another game could not have started for another 2-3 mins (why would it put alliance in a different game when one that was already going was not full).

We defended and won, drew the game out the longest is could go for.

We leave the bg, we see the buff for a total of 2 seconds, and then it diseappears.

I assumed the bug was essentially every game that ends applies/removes the buff of ownership from the relevant factions, meaning the last game to end decided the buff for the next 3 hours. But unless this was just a massive coincidence, and a game that started 2-3 mins after ours with horde attackers ended literally 2 seconds after we finished - with 2-3 mins left on the clock - it just seems like OCE alliance are just getting stripped of the buff. I dont know how it’s meant to work, whether the last game is meant to decide the next 3 hours, or if any game won is meant to award the buff for the next 3 hours, but either way, I do not think it is working.

Please fix this Blizz. There are pvp vendors that sell BiS pvp gear that alliance have not had access to since the pvp season started.