Wintergrasp Alliance ~ Zero Healers

How is it even possible to begin a 40 man bg with 0 heals?

Is it even possible to win a large clash like at SR to start with not a single healer, especially when the other side has several?

Come on man!

Just another example of the absurd and bad game design and matchmaking of Blizz PvP.


There are so many reasons people have unsubbed recently, just add this to the list.

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So tonight I get into an Ashran, we get out Fangraal early then I notice a big problem.

We have 2 healers in our group. So we push mid and flags with Fang, but he dies quickly cause our 2 healers are being targeted and are OOM. We literally had little to no chance of succeeding in a head to head clash cause we started with so few heals. Nice when the queue system decides who wins or loses at the instant the bg loads instead of skill, experience, and strategy.

Nice game Blizz. Trash balance. Trash matchmaking.

When team comp and gearing is the ONLY thing that decides who wins and loses, that’s a huge fail. So many people have been showing and telling that this makes PvP absolutely unplayable and little to nothing ever is done about it.

Same with having no tanks in boss end-fights - you can win the strategy, be ahead and fail only because of the lack of a class/spec.

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Roll a healer and be part of the solution. Whining changes nothing.

I mained a resto shaman healer for over 2 years and did hundreds of bgs.
Been there, done that.

And one of the problems and possible causes of less healers being available is the absolute terrible experience it can be to pug random bgs as a healer. Not being with a geared or coordinated group, you will rarely get peels and support from randoms.
Yet, healers have to deal with extreme pressure as they are often priority targeted and chain CC’d frequently. Not a fun experience most times and very unrewarding.

Speaking of rewards. Healers should probably be bribed to queue with a bonus satchel type reward, as is done in PvE. It might help a little. That’s a topic for another time and thread. But it doesn’t address the greater problem.

To deflect constructive criticism with specific examples of the problem, with dismissive and assumptive claims is absurd. The fact remains that the matchmaking system is terrible and along with class/spec imbalance as well as huge disparities in gear difference, the state of WoW PvP is really in a bad place right now.

And there is no excuse to enter and start a 40 man bg with zero healers. ZERO. Unacceptable. That’s on Blizzard.