Wings + Trinket Macro

Hey yall. I am trying to create a macro on my paladin to cast Avenging Wrath + My trinket (Jes’ Howler) with one key bind. I dont know much about macros so if someone could help me out I would appreciate it. I tried the following but it did not work
/cast Avenging Wrath, /cast Jes’ Howler

Is this possible to do?



<waits appropriate amount of time for literalist joke to settle in>

/use Jes' Howler
/cast Avenging Wrath

If that doesn’t work (not sure about the apostrophe in the item name), substitute the slot number for the trinket name.

Top slot is 13.
Bottom slot is 14.

Awesome. thank you for the reply.

One more question. Is it possible to macro the key binds themselves rather than the spell/trinket? like ‘use/ hotkey 2 cast/ hotkey 4’ for example

You can use /click <button> and use /fstack to find the button names

You can use the SlotID instead of the name
/use 13
/use 14

just google WoW SlotID to get the list