Wings of liberty

Go have a 2 hour session of arena and then ask me that again.

A little.leap is not going to destroy the meta, relax papi.

Aren’t Warriors the only class with an ability to break that? On a 2 second cast time with a three minute CD.

It has a cast time, the only time I ever use it is when the Mage is just blocking to delay the inevitable result of their bad play.

Ret Paladin problem is that everything is binary, you’re either immune to everything or able to be killed by anything. Warrior defense is not as good, but works somewhat against most.

And seriously, Heroic Leap isn’t a gap closer, it’s a defensive against casters/range. Try playing another melee to see how it goes before wanting to be the same.

Every melee gets dunked on by range.

Point is I can run forward and you can out run me walking backwards… Glad you’ve ever played a paladin but know so much about our class.

Can’t bubble be mass dispelled?

Game is not just Arena.

Might drive the new meta. So, wings for everyone then.

See, this is what I don’t get. Retribution has needed changes for a while for several reasons. Their defensive toolkit is all-or-nothing, their hyperburst design is problematic in both PvE and PvP, and their mobility toolkit ranges from “GET IT OFF OF ME” to “lol get kited” in all content.

Blizzard didn’t say “oh we’re just gonna throw heaps of mobility at Paladin and call it a day.”

Stop deliberately being obtuse and misquoting me to ignore my point, and I won’t treat you like a child.

Yeah, except nobody really knows where in which tree (class or spec, in case you needed that pointed out) any of this is going, if it’s going to make the final cut, or how it’s going to be balanced. As of my last check there isn’t even a semi-complete build of this available for people to test on the PTR. Hell, I’m pretty sure the talents for Retribution on the PTR still have Divine Toll in the spec tree, while it’s also been added to the class tree. You’re telling me that that’s feature-complete and they’re just gonna ship it that way while slapping a leap on top and changing nothing else about the issues they mentioned?

Edit: Given they’ve made no mention of changing anything for Protection or Holy, and the class tree doesn’t currently reflect the leap being present, I think it’s Retribution-only.

The context was that two very common classes remove. Bubble, which is arena… So for this context yeah it’s just arena.

Having a 45sec Cd leap is not going to drive the meta, you’re exaggerating.

Everyone crying about warrior leap but no one crying about evokers verdant embrace being mistwalk that was taken away from monks

The leap is also only like 20-25 yards?
Pretty sure 2 charges of the horse got you further than 25 yards, so it might end up being a net loss in mobility if you don’t get to keep your horses too.

Horse doesn’t line up with freedom cd and is susceptible to slows

Yeah, I’m just saying getting a leap doesn’t necessarily even mean you’re gonna be more mobile, so I’m not sure why people are freaking out about it.

Assuming it competes with steed, which I doubt it will. Since it shouldnt

People are putting the cart before the horse, more or less. Nobody’s actually seen a feature complete version of the Retribution rework and we’ve already got the “RETRIBUTION GONNA SMASH EVERYONE!!!” crap flying through the forums.

It’s entirely possible that they make this compete with Steed or just make it a heavy point tax to be of significant use, or it’s entirely possible they give Retribution this and Shadowlands steed and suddenly Retribution is literally zooming. Nobody knows at all, yet people pretend they do.

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I think it’ll have Paladin flavor.
It would be cooler imo if they could throw down a ranged consecrate or blade of justice and then jump to it – and dropping a fat consecrate when they land… or maybe do a short channel where they leap straight up like a demon hunter and then lob some kinda holy spear where they’re gonna land and slam into the ground.

They could def give it some more paladiny sauce, but I guess at the end of the day a leap is a leap.

Yeah… I mean they flat out said they’re not gonna get rogue mobility. So I’d be shocked if they didn’t have to pick horse or leap. But yeah-- you hit the nail on the head there 100%. Gotta wait till we see the whole rework!

Yeah. I’m excited to see them tune Ret’s burst down and give it some sustain. Hitting like a freight train for a bit and then spending a solid while hitting things with a pool noodle gets very old, very fast.

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wow, put the screws down baby. No need to be on this level with me. Let’s be friends ok? DG is on GCD, but when you GRIP the GCD is actually “faster”, but if you use an ability before, Grip is on full GCD. happy now?

It is currently available for all class and not a single spec.

The data mined data shows that there is specific spell details for each spec:

  • NEW Wings of Liberty
    Holy, Protection, Initial:
    Leap through the air toward a target location, slamming down with destructive force to deal (23.5% of Attack power) Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards
    Leap through the air toward a target location, slamming down with destructive force to deal (23.5% of Attack power) Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and resetting the remaining cooldown on Taunt

  • NEW Wings of Liberty
    Leap through the air toward a target location, slamming down with destructive force to deal (23.5% of Attack power) Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and resetting the remaining cooldown on Taunt
    Holy, Protection, Initial:
    Leap through the air toward a target location, slamming down with destructive force to deal (23.5% of Attack power) Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards

  • NEW Wings of Liberty
    Leap through the air toward a target location, slamming down with destructive force to deal (23.5% of Attack power) Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and resetting the remaining cooldown on Taunt
    Holy, Protection, Initial:
    Leap through the air toward a target location, slamming down with destructive force to deal (23.5% of Attack power) Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards

So this is a completely new spell, why would they tailor specific behavior for holy/protection if they were not going to add for them?

Admittedly, this is a common issue with WoW. Lot easier to just implement something another class has than to become creative.

Druid is prime example. Wild Charge is literally just a similar ability to other classes’ movement tools depending on the form you’re in. It’s boring, but it’s one of Druid’s best mobility tools bar none.

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They’ve done this before, then decided to change their minds. It’d be nice to have it go to the entire class, but again, as I said:

It’s literally not on the PTR. The strings have been datamined, but there’s no implementation for anybody to work with or test yet.

Because there aren’t enough monks around that would care anyway.