Windwalker spec bonuses

blizzard made a mistake letting us clowns vote everyone is saying s3 is the best the numbers reflect that. But BLIZZARD is letting everyone troll so ww isnt getting our best tier from the whole xpac and fury is still playing s3 even though i went form 441-465 and my dps actually dropped back to what it was last patch. This is why no one likes when the community votes because everyone trolls with their votes. If its not season 3 for ww watch as the numbers of ww dwindle down to nothing. Ive been here all xpac and no one played any monks really at all until s3

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Yeah the EU community really came in clutch. S2 was the most boring playstyle out of the 3 hands down.

well at least s3 didn’t win ill play any of the other 2 tiers.

also no surprise s1 won since EU literally threw all their votes at it.

so is it a tie or which won?

Eu went all in for s1 so s1 won.

S3 was not good at all, not even from start, we had to do some massive reddit posts and memes about the state of windwalker until they decided to buff them, then monks became fine, not thanks to the S3 tier itself.

thank god i can play next season

bro pvers out number pvpers 10 to 1. We get stuck with terrible tier sets that are good in pve but terrible in pvp all the time. The game is balanced around pve. cry me a river

bro ur a hunter

ok now i’m a monk