Windwalker needs better design

Simply disliking select aspects of a spec doesn’t mean a player should, or is going to just abandon it entirely. Considering the only thing the player needs to do to utilize hit combos is to simply not hit the same ability twice, any talk of skill or lack thereof in doing so, really isn’t saying much. Now, there are times where we’re going to repeat an ability for whatever number of reasons, but due to the way the Windwalker is set up, I don’t see why repeat abilities would be any remote problem. The only ability that can actually be spammed to the point of being a problem is Blackout Kick, but if anyone were to do that with the sincere notion that they needed to do that for better damage output, I think that would be pretty funny.

Also, I wouldn’t call the rotation “unique”. You build chi and then spend it. “Uniqueness” isn’t a substantial concept in this game, though.

Then you would have a pretty bad opinion then, here is an example.

I did a 95 parse here, notice the BM hunter was under my dps by just 1k and they did a 79 parse.

That means had the hunter did a 95 parse, my dps would have been pitiful in comparison.

Also why are you commenting on how a spec is performing in pve content when you don’t even do basic levels like 15s or even heroic raiding?


I ask this same question to so many people who are so post to be monk “experts” in our threads. It seems like every person with a monk alt that they sometimes play is deemed an expert. The main monks evidently know nothing.



I can see why you dislike the mastery, but I actually enjoy it. Coming from classes that just give a flat damage increase, I think the idea is quite inspired. It makes me feel… more kung-fu-y. I’m not going to kick you three times, because that’s what would give me the most damage. I’m going to mix it up and be a flurry of punches and kicks and hiyaahhh.

What I don’t like is the Hit Combo (talent). That’s a different convo. (But is it really? :stuck_out_tongue: )


MOP WW was peak WW. There was tons of QQ about monks being overpowered back then and they regularly solo’d peeps 2v1 in Arena. Things start to get heated? Run away and drop healing spheres while nobody else can catch you.


5.4 era windwalker was very * fun *. we felt great, but there was still issues like FOF not being able to be used on the run. but having teleport * nests * with 3 chi orbs down ready to go was great. WW being so mobile and zippy felt amazing.

other points of windwalker being awesome was ( despite us being extremely weak at the time ) was 4P tomb and 2P nighthold set bonuses together. the reset playstyle was soooooooo damn good to play with. RSKs and FOFs feeding into each was was great.

and then there was antorus. damn windwalker was fun during the raid period.


I didn’t mind not being able to cast FoF on the move while it had the stun. That was a sensible balancing act that added to the skill cap, which was and still is the highest in the game to this day.


The mastery doesnt even affect the playstyle much. It essentially just buffs tiger jab, blackout kick, and spinning crane kick. You cant even(except with an ineffible truth build which is hilarious with serenity) use the more important abilities consecutively. And to avoid overvapping chi or energy, youd want to alternate BOK and TJ anyway

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I posted this in another thread, but putting it here also

For WW the biggest change id like to see if the channel time of Fists of Fury decreased. Sitting there for 4 seconds without being able to interrupt, use a movement ability, getting our channel cut short by some mechanics and losing massive amounts of damage, or not being able to target a bursting orb in M+ is really frustrating.

Honestly im not happy about Xuen being baseline. Another CD on the GCD and, thematically, im not a monk who strictly adheres to the celestials anyway.

Storm, Earth, and Fire’s targeting mechanic needs to react faster. I feel like i have to wait a second, because if i double tap when activating for single target, they still jump around to other targets.

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And overall kill our dmg, because fof is a psuedo energy regen with how it currently works.

Our energy regen and number of tiger jabs would still remain the same. You would just have more options after FoF ends.

Someone else had a suggestion of doubling energy regen during that time. I also wouldnt be too upset if energy was taken out entirely.

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WWs have problems, but their abilities are fun as is their mastery. Also Monks are martial artists that punch and kick… I think the class design just isn’t for you. Try a War or something, they get to slash with a sword and stuff.


like this version of mastery is my second favorite (5.2 was better, but if we still had that we would be the God-Kings(Queens) of everything inside this corruption meta)
My only gripes now are just SEF.