Windwalker Monks nerfs WHEN

This is the worst position to be in as WW as well, just doing insane boorst so the 16 hundos cant react thats when u know ur spec is dead, same reason arms gets smoked ev season.


Arms, Windwalker and Unholy all getting 30% nerfs for bullying elite set mmr solo queue :handshake:


Ww needs to do 1.3 mil sustained dps because they donā€™t have kidneyshot or maim.

No nerfs needed


finally a reasonable bubblebuddy take

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We already have too many honor talents to juggle right now. It just needs to be baseline or something if something like that is added.

its only fun when me and my teammates are the broken ones! Nerf until we are the best again! Nobody should ever be a threat to us!!

This mindset is why Retail PvP is dead. Im sure you knew that already but just wanted you to have to read it.

You been out in the sun a little to long. You are fried

Heckin rogues op for 20 years :smiley:
Heckin monks op for a season :angry:

15% melee dmg reduction and 5% shadow dmg reduction

For healers, flat 15% dmg reduction to everything

canā€™t wait for MW to eat more inexplicable nerfs while WW dodges.

Iā€™m super surprised they nerfed the right stuff. Thatā€™s crazy

This thing (ww) is broken AF. Need some heavy nerfs lol.

ITā€™s not even fun fighting against 'em

Ya, Iā€™m genuinely shocked ww didnt get taken out back and shot in the head XD

Oh man I totally thought I was about to get in front of the firing squad and be offered my last cig.

They do, DH/feral/rogue/spriest all do.

I post this and they post Class Tuning Incoming - March 25 after

yall are welcome

Pretty minor nerfs tbh. Not enough to dissuade the legion of fotm rerollers.