Windwalker Monk - Fists of Fury not hitting

Fists of Fury is very frequently not hitting mobs in the hitbox. Sometimes a tick will hit but it’s clearly bugged in current state. Consistent and easy to reproduce on dummies, open world enemies, and dungeon mobs.

Potentially same issue as Evoker Dream Breath (another bug report today).

Related, using FoF as my last ability in combat still keeps me in combat for several seconds even when the enemy dies and everyone around me has ended combat, can mount up, etc. This is an old bug, but same ability.


yes friend is having this issue too

I also started having this issue today. Never noticed it before. Confirmed by looking at combat logs and testing on target dummies as OP did and seeing the same thing where sometimes you get 1 or 2 ticks hitting only 1 target, but most of the time it just lands 0 hits across all targets for the full channel.

I’m also having this issue. Any updates?

This combat bug made me go insane in a +18 NO.

I’ve got the Dream Breath bug which intermittently hits targets (sometimes none at all) and seems like it’s also causing this combat bug as well. I had to run from the start of dungeon all the way to the second boss because I couldn’t mount up…

I too cannot anything with Fists of Fury. Maybe a few ticks here and there. Channeling it at a target dummy I’m only getting auto attack damage.


The somewhat playable workaround is as follows:

  1. Using RIGHT MOUSE, smack your camera to the ground to aim at enemies, then start channeling Fists of Fury.
  2. Use LEFT MOUSE to restore your camera position so you can see what’s going on (and don’t use right mouse until the channel finishes).
  3. Move/strafe/rotate with your keyboard to position yourself.

And sadly we will have to wait for Season 3, 4 or even next expansion for this to be fixed since Blizzard hates WW monks with passion.

This doesn’t even seem like a bug they know how to fix.
When it comes to WW specifically, it’s better to not have hope that the devs are thinking about our class.

They aren’t.

Can confirm… very frustrating during mythic progression to have pulls swing 30k depending on whether or not Fists of Fury actually works…

YES,10.7 come the same bug.

Same thing happening to me. Trying to do bigger keys and having 10% of your damage profile as wild card doesnt feel great.