Windwalker glitches

Anybody else noticing these? There’s two major things happening that seem to destroy decent output during content.

The first one: Fists of Fury has an extremely narrow frontal hitbox. When you’re using it on a large group of mobs that a tank pulled (say 7 mobs, for example) it’s very common for only 3-4 enemies to be hit by it, even if you’re in the best possible position.

This is a large chunk of our damage, and while other classes can spam their aoe with repeatable results, Fists of Fury seems to have only half of the cone width that other frontal attacks have. It’s also unpredictable. Sometimes it hits most of the enemies, but oftentimes, it only hits half of them (even during identical positioning). I’ve seen dozens of other people mention this on the forum for months.

The second major issue is our Flurry Strikes not properly going off during random times. In M+ dungeons, the best method of maximizing Windwalker damage is saving your stacked energy points as a group of mobs is dying.

To clarify, it takes 240 spent energy points to unleash Flurry Strikes, which is a huge percentage of our damage. If a group of mobs is almost dead (and a large pack of mobs is the next pull), it’s important to stop using your energy spender ability so your next usage of that ability will immediately trigger Flurry Strikes on the next pull of fresh mobs.

Half of the time, Flurry Strikes will properly trigger as soon as you spend energy on the next pull. But there seems to be a 50% chance that Flurry Strikes will glitch and not go off when you reach 240 energy at the start of the new mob pull. It’s almost as if the 10-20 seconds in between running to the next set of mobs in a dungeon randomly glitches the energy counter aura and resets your energy spent tracker completely.

It’s extremely frustrating to be one of the weakest DPS under the best of circumstances, but when you add on those two factors, it’s far worse.

Hopefully Blizzard reads this!

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I didn’t notice the fof one but the flurry strikes for sure.

I’ve been experimenting with conduit builds lately and they’re pretty darned fun. I bet they’re great in PvP because super bursty

I doubt blizzard reads these class forums, they will most likely read General Disussion or Bug reports. :confused:

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This mainly happens when you’re 1 TP off of discharging, and you TP an enemy you haven’t damaged yet. If you make sure to damage the target with anything, even autoattack, it happens far less frequently.

(It’s still a bug, but you can play around it a little bit.)

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Employee quality has declined.

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Realistically its the quantity that has declined.