Windwalker - Arena and Tier set?

Hey all - new to WW Monk. How are we in arenas? How come no one uses the tier set?


I personally just started levelling my monk but taking a look at the tier set… yeah the bonus is absolute garbage. tiger palm does very minimal damage as builder, buffing it’s damage is pointless but blizz is doubling down on it for some reason. and it doesnt help that only one of the tier pieces has mastery on it, while all the others have crit. It’s probably a side-grade at best to get 2 piece and a definite downgrade to get 4 piece . Thus no one bothers with it at all.

As the previous person said the tier is just useless, not only that it’s nerfed in half by 50%. So the 2 set is only increasing the next attack by a whole 2.5%.
It’s just not worth taking the stat loss.

In arenas we’re kind of meh; no real kill pressure and only 1 stun on a long cd means we don’t have the control or dmg necessary for high level play.

However, still been having fun with mine overall in pvp

The bonus is eh, so ppl just go for ilvl/stats with pvp gear.

In terms of performance, I’d say mid. You’ll still royally blast any team that wants to try melee cleave you, but your kill windows are your CDs. We’re bulkier than before, but a lot more kiteable so learning to manage your port is gonna be real important.

HOWEVER, this may not be the case anymore because I know it got nerfed, BoK being our big dam in pvp is the funniest thing to come out of this xpac. And then Blizz doubled down by buffing the CI. And they’re tripling down because CI is getting like another 100% buff in 11.1