(Windseeker)Newish Player Looking for Guild

As it says im a newish player, i am returning from a long break due to medical issues and i am looking for a group of laid back people to play with. I am a Warrior Tank and plan to learn and pefect my role.


Hey there Cauron,
Just dropping by to see if youd be interested in learning more about our guild! We are a progression oriented AOTC Alliance guild on Stormrage, that’s currently looking for more players to add to our roster. We have 2 progression teams to choose from! (Raid times are in our guild info)
I’m including the link to our guild information for you to check out if you find any interest to do so, we do also have other things going on throughout the week and plan to be adding to that soon! We have something for everyone! If you are interested in learning more about us or have any questions please be sure to contact me! The best way to reach me is on Discord at Byndi#5161. I hope to hear back from you soon and that you have a great night!!

We are New Moon - Area52 reroll guild started by friends whose first and foremost priority will be to encourage a positive environment for playing a game that we all love. The goal of this new reroll guild is to start a community of like minded players looking for a fun experience and creating a space to make new friends as well as enjoy the new leveling experience before heading in to raiding. This reroll is not a race; new, experience, and casual players are all welcome. Play the game, hang out on discord, make new friends, and have fun!

We will be starting on Friday April 14th at 7pm EST. We are not doing staggered leveling caps. Leveling isn’t a race, but you can do it as fast or as slow as you prefer.

We will be offering free bags to everyone and guild repairs will be turned on when we start. Outside of leveling and raiding there will be more to do. At max level we will have m+ groups and pvp groups. We could even run old content for transmog, mounts, and achievements if there is enough people interested.

RAIDING?! Of course raiding is the goal. It would be a casual raid setting. 2-3 nights a week. The earliest our raid leader can raid is 8:30pm EST every night. I would like to wait and get opinions from everyone on what the nights and exact times should be. If we get to the point where we can and want to do mythic raiding I would still like to keep that as casual as possible.

If this sounds like something you are interested in please join us in discord. We already have a handful of people. :slight_smile: Help us make some guild decisions!
