Ahoy Hoy Windrunner,
When I started on the server back in the day, I played a dwarf hunter called Doiran, I was in the guild Bodyparts. When I started playing again I was hoping to find the old crew still playing but it looks like we scattered. Hopefully I can find y’all again during Classic.
Hello Windrunner,
I played a Night Elf Hunter named Helsent and a Human Pally (I can’t remember his name?). Played with Beloved of the Night for a long time before splitting into DPS Harder. Played a lot with Ruins of Empyrean, The Cut Throats, and some pugs with Forlorn Legacy.
Hello Windrunner!
I played a Dwarf Paladin named Averxi and then played a Hunter named Gazillion as well (blanking on the race). I had an odd assortment of characters with names ending in -illion. I was part of Beloved of the Night before taking a break from the game.
Hello Windrunner,
This is the same character I used in Vanilla. Nubnut, Human warrior. I was a member of The Cut Throats, Knights of the Heavens, and Cognatus Sicarius during Vanilla. I also used to help organize a Sunday morning Onyxia PuG run, I recognize a few names in here from that!
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Hello Windrunner,
I played a gnome rogue named Shinobi. I was one of the original members of Dreamwhisper before bibiwawa and chichiwawa left. Looking to reunite with any of the original members. My btag is brofessorx#11355
Hey everyone.
Played czechowicz, a human pally, and chinn, a human warrior.
Pvped a bunch and was in the guild happy hour.
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Mescoa, night elf hunter, used to sit on a fence in goldshire
Awww even me Buena? Good to hear from you. I still watch our four horsemen kill once in awhile from your POV and it gives me the feels. I saw Cev on a private server quite awhile back I wonder if he is still kicking around and plans on doing Classic. Dig still plays on Windrunner I know, am battletag friends with him
Hi Duinan I wish they would release server names already so we could at least plan on trying to get on same one with any FL that wants to
I played a mage named Caggali, mostly PVP with Pants Pirates.
Aside from some of the names I’ve seen here which I recognize, I remember playing mostly with these guys:
Kairi (priest), Beardedfrog(war), Jeskvej( druid), Anathalia(war), Hawkes (paladin). Leonharte (pala), Islene (rogue), Viel (warlock), Ixidor (mage) , and probably more that I am missing (sorry if I missed you ) .
Anyway, I’d be interested in reconnecting with some old timers
I was trying to remember some old names, I remember you, cogburn, cev, dissonant, angelic, bel, and I’m lost after that! I’ll reserve Duinan Monday when that opens up, looking forward to the server names as well!
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Hey Windrunner.
I used to play this hunter as “Aliababua” a night elf, raiding and pvping a good bit. name changed to “Chinaski” in BC where I arena’d pretty hardcore.
It is crazy to see all of the names here after all these years, even if I didn’t play with all of you. I remember seeing many of you in Ironforge, in battlegrounds, and even some in raids I think.
Heya, im MightyJanus, mage who shuffled between DreamWhisper and Forlorn Legacy a few times. Planning to play on a pve classic realm. Cool seeing ppl i remember from back in the day…should get a Onyxia PuG goin one day like its 2005 lol.
I’m Unclejesse/Ujx/Uj/Diaboli, etc… I raided in Forlorn Legacy in TBC until they broke up. I didn’t raid in vanilla with them but I still talk to some people that did (Angelic, Sushee/Rocket, Pravox sometimes). I don’t play WoW anymore and neither do they but I saw this thread and they remember you FL people.
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Hey Windrunner. Used to play as Erandus, human warrior, and a gnome rogue named Timey. Played for the guild Guardians of Azeroth for some casual raiding and pvp. If anyone remembers the old guild hit me up.
If I never had to play against Anathalia being healed by Hawkes again that would be divine
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Humme, Human Warlock
Raided with Dragon Knights before move. did arena mostly in TBC.
You missed me. No offense taken lol
Hey all, played enough premade bg’s to shave years off your life on this character in Pants Pirate. Probably rolling horde on a PvP server this go around. Look forward to at least a handful of “Oh Yeeeeea, I remember you!” 's with any luck =)