Windfury Totem is Annoying

Why can’t this just be a passive? :unamused:

Class flavor. Windfury totem was a totem in the past and they brought it back due to popular demand.

i don’t think he’s complaining about it’s existence

i think he’s complaining that it’s on global and costs 10% of our mana


It’s so freakin clunky though

imo wolves doesn’t heal anymore
well they dont actually do anything
and you don’t place windfury, it just drops

imo neither of these abilities should be on the gcd

also nice that enhance lust was pretty much the only thing excluded from the global unpruning

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I see. Yeah, it would be an improvement to take it off the GCD, no doubt about that. Frankly, I’m still unhappy about the refusal to return Earthliving Weapon back to our toolkit, which in itself was enough to decide to main my Priest for SL, if I end up playing SL at all.

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Blizzard entertainment here, making sure you enhance players never get out of ur cell


the stockholm is fullblown at this point

i love papa blizzard >///////<


You can thank all the people who cried about ability pruning over the last several years.

Enjoy your actively applied weapon imbues too. :+1:t2:


That’s right, praise be Ion for giving you an amazing defensive like reincarnation


ya ok moron lets all play demon hunter


this is how i feel about ret auras

blizzard unpruned the most random abilities for certain classes some won the lottery others got slapped in the face. reminds me of symbiosis


how is this entire thread full of shaman players either in blues or posting on their assassination rogues telling me that my SICK totem being unpruned makes their tiny hands tremble from the thought of having a 5th keybind on a class they don’t even play


That’s how I feel on the Paladin forums brother

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i just visited the pally forums and instantly got reminded why i dont go there. just look at this thread

there are actually upvoted comments saying they enjoy the way rets/paladins sound now like what. i swear its just a bunch of boomer jawahs that post there

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Hey my greens and heirlooms resent this comment!! :rage:

I dont regret abandoning my ret.

Yeah but its ok, in shadowlands you’ll have a legendary turning it into a fake cooldown so you wont press it as often.

Yeah thats the casuals or new players that started in legion/bfa because they never played before the expansions before ret became so slow so the boomers can hit their spells take a sip of tea and then go back to hitting their 2nd spell at the same time the cooldown is finally off.

rip fast pace, gcd locked rotation and fast and ranged ret spec, you’ll forever be missed

The new sound effects and animations are truly hard to swallow for me. I find it especially bad on the rogue. That constant “SHLING SHLING” sound and the generic overly-flashy slash animations on everything just completely ruins the feel for me. It just reminds me more of GW2 or FFXIV, than it does of WoW.

Those forums just proves that blizz is so intent on making paladins enjoyable only for retards and roleplayers.

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