Win Trading/Griefing/Gameplay Sabotage in Battlegrounds

There are alliance win trading and griefing battlegrounds with characters on Horde side. They will request BG leader and spam raid warnings nonstop asking people to summon to Drek. They take up several horde spots in the battleground and do not end the game forcing people to afk out of the battleground.

Names are:

Yesmasterlol - Nightslayer (US) - alliance toon
Yesmasterx - Nightslayer (US) - horde toon

Venums - Nightslayer (US) - alliance toon
Venumsx - Nightslayer (US) - horde toon

If you have had experience with these trolls please report and request Blizzard to ban them for gameplay sabotage.


They’re polluting both sides.

You can’t call out players by name on the forum.

The thread will be locked and/or deleted….if there was any moderation here.


i think its hilarious u kids talking bad about yesmaster. u wouldnt say this to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol.


not a single win trade happened, every game i have been in with yesmaster has been a absolute battle and very fun game. Without him horde would of never caved the alliance in a av. Too me that was once in a lifetime experience. Ty yesmaster!!


Can confirm a win trade did not happen you guys are just jealous you can’t be like yesmaster and lead the troops to cave the alliance in the valley of alterac best bg i have qued up for


you can’t summon in av

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It’s true, I was there.

You sound like a winner yourself, simping over somebody you don’t even know irl. :+1:

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This is a copypasta, not an actual simp

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This would not surprise anyone who knew anything about venumz, serial cheater.

No way youre this dumb

I have no idea what yall are even talking about tbh. Copy pasta? Don’t even know what that is. I don’t do troll stuff like you tough internet children do.

How on earth did you read that and think he was being serious lol

I sometimes can’t tell when someone is being serious online or not. Some people out there literally worship other human beings like their life depends on it.

I may look dumb for falling for such a silly post, but the world is a weird place and their are some very very strange people out there.

You can summon ice dad and treesus

Can confirm Venumz is unemployed and lives with his parents.