Will you "need" on gear you can't use, then sell it?

Or, as many have posted, you can honor the social aspect of wow and talk about loot rules with your group before the dungeon and come to an agreement. So much drama gets avoided this way.


Sooo theirs no loot trading in dungeons… So unless you are talking about boe items nobody will be doing that…

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Anytime something of high value drops, other people in the group WILL try to hock it, so you may as well do the same. Threatening to blacklist them doesn’t accomplish anything. They still got the item, and you won’t hurt their reputation enough for them to care. If they are a tank/healer, it’s even more meaningless for them. It’s harder than you think to totally ruin your reputation. You’d have to do things in 40man raid guilds, and even then, the players can usually just move to a new guild. One time I saw someone ninja the drops off a twilight lord, totally robbing the guy who paid to summon it. He was booted from his current guild due to the complaints, but had a new one the very next day which didn’t care one bit about it. He was a well geared resto shaman. He’d always get a home somewhere, no matter what he did, and he knew that.

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Ddd…ddiii…did that original thread just get layered into two threads?

All jokes aside I mean duh yes like I will be needing on gear I can’t use and intend to sell just like 100% of the people who just come out and say it and like the other 99.9% who will equip when they can or I accidentally clicked need or whatever other excuse they use besides just saying I too want to sell it.

100% agree but I wont be going into every dungeon and

because that’s crazy and nothing like what I said I would do.

If I roll need on Shadowfang on my Mage and you as a Rogue role need on Robes of Arugal to spite me and we both flame each other I’d bet more people would be on myside.

I’m also only talking about high ticket price BoEs. SFK for example of the list of BoEs Shadowfang and Assassins Blade are the only two I’d roll on against who ever wants to equip it. But say I’m a rogue and loot your Mages tome of conjure water I’d likely just give it to you unless say you weren’t on your Mage but your Priest then I’d sell it to you.

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as long as layering exists i’m gonna need everything. need that mount gold after all, and thanks to layering I won’t be held accountable from anyone who might dare claim I’m a ninja, which I’m not.


I guess this topic is the shiny new object…

Yeah it won’t matter

Jokes on you

That is your opinion.

That opinion is obviously not shared by all.

Exactly. It really doesn’t matter, it’s vanilla. IF this is going to hurt your feeings then ppl must return to bfa. I for one will be rolling on any and all BoEs unless it’s with my guildies. Most people will actually do the same.

On another note, if something like shadowfang drops and you tell him to equip it and he doesn’t, that is on YOU. Telling people he did it? No one will bother. Dog eat dog

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Welp, if you were in my guild and I caught word that you where doing this I would gkick you in a heartbeat. You are not going to tarnish our guild name.


It’s not an opinion. You roll need on high ticket boes to prevent people needing it to sell. If you are oblivious enough to hit greed and a Mage needs on Blanchard’s stout and wins, that is entirely your fault and was 100% preventable


I’m not really worried about your guild tho

Any guild sport.
Any guild that supports this type of sportsmanship in Classic won’t have a very good reputation.

But it’s up to you.

OP: No, I will not be rolling need on items to sell unless the group decides ahead of time.


Well, in any run I am healing, if someone starts needing on stuff they cannot use, I’m gonna stop healing them. They can then use that gold they get from selling the item to cover their repair bills.


Reputation only affects guilds that have to recruit regularly. Blacklisting and reputations do not matter for highly established guilds.

Matter of fact, the whole blacklisting mentality will matter -zero-. No one is gonna get blacklisted over a boe as you cannot ninja a boe. Now, if someone ninjas a domo chest in MC that’s a different story. But a regular boe? Tough luck


raids specifically excluding UBRS, and probably world bosses too

Reputation affects every guild. A guild’s reputation affects every member of that guild and every member’s individual reputation.

I’ve seen guilds shattered because the guild harbored a ‘ninja’.

As an example:

Johnny, guild X’s main tank, wants to try for R14, but no premade will take him because guild X is harboring Billy the ninja.

Johnny cannot get into a premade. So he decides to start queuing solo, buy nobody will heal him due to his guild tag. How much honor is earning when he is almost continually running from the graveyard.

Johnny has a few options.

He can find another guild that has a better reputation so he can get into premades.

He can give up his dream of being R14.

He can go to the guild leadership and explain that his goals require that either the guild boots Billy the ninja or they lose their main tank and let the guild decide which is more important to them–Billy the ninja or their main tank. If they choose Billy the ninja, they do so with the knowledge that they may very well have to replace other core raid members.


I wouldn’t try either, those things are dangerous… You’ll end up going to pieces. :grin:

I’ll help myself out


Autocorrect got me again.