Will Wrath Survive for ICC w the Dwindling population?


I think they are the opposite of that :joy:

I think a lot of it has to do with burnout as well. We went from 1 or 2 night of raiding in Naxx to almost requiring 3-4 nights now to do 10M Ulduar and 25M. 10M should never have had Ilvl increases and better gear than 25M. Should have been predominantly raided for some gear to help with 25 clears and thats all.

I cant wait for Cata when 10 and 25 drop the same loot. Its how it should have been the whole time.

well said. currently working 2 jobs to make ends meet. we live in a horrible time right now with no sign of things getting better on the horizon. we play games to have fun and escape real life woes. Thats why when I log onto wow and have to spend hours waiting for dungeon parties, its just not fun and I end up logging out and playing another game. This just simply isnt fun outside of once a week raiding and that is why so many people are not playing anymore or purely raid logging at this point. The game will be dead by ICC at the rate its going. Its not like pvp is a fun side option either. Its completely broken due to PVE gear and full to the gills with bots that ruin the game. WOW classic is dead and noone is even working on it or making an effort to represent it on blizzards side


$15/mo is the absolute cheapest form of entertainment you can find outside going to the library.

the point is that its not entertaining anymore. without rdf, theres no point even logging on anymore because I cant just hop into a dungeon for fun or to gear up alts. the game is horribly boring now


oh ive seen bots hard at work, but they arent overwhelming in number and dont seem to be on our server that much.

you posted 6, different videos sure but not different streamers. i pointed out the 2 with the most glaring issues as far as credibility because i assumed that your trend of worthless points would continue. my bad for assuming that pattern.

random certainly seems part of the conversation as you think that the fix would gatekeep players from running dungeons.

and this seems pretty dead on to my question that you must think that all level 80s shouldnt run quests because the get more gold for the same effort of questing that non 80s due who get less gold but they get exp.

do you even remember the drivel you put on the forums? and quit moving the goal posts already. youre other conversation says “rdf would kill open world pvp” (paraphrased) and now its “how can i report bots if theres rdf?”

now youre just being silly lol

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Yes it will.
Ppl will play ICC because it’s mostly the only raid that most classic andies know of wrath of the lich king.

Cataclysm will have a high playerbase at start of the expansion, and it’s going to die slowly. They’ll probably do some changes to ZG and ZA patch kinda to like what they’re going to do with ToC and Ulduar now. Firelands is going to pump hard and then in DS things are going to get down.
But then people will comeback for Mists of Pandaria as a lot of people will like to try this expansion since it’s rated as one of the best… and so it goes.

Where in the everliving crap have I said bots can’t do dungeons?

I’ve specifically said random in every single instance.

True. If you can not defeat Algalon within an Hour, Azeroth is doomed.

Since we failed to do so last week, im sorry folks, but WoW will end soon.

dunno hulu is cheaper. i think Disney + is 15 bucks a month as well aren’t some Netflix packages at or under 15 bucks a month?

perhaps the MMO genre just isn’t for you… or you outgrew video games.

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