Will Wrath Classic have Faction changes?
They said it would be coming eventually, but have not given a specific time frame.
Just wish they would hurry and give us a window already!
I don’t think it would have been difficult for them to enable faction/race changes with the release of Wrath for everyone to play with their friends… I hope this isn’t implemented months from now or next year by the time half the expansion has already gone by and actually ruining the ability to play with friends.
so when can we get a date for the Faction change as all my friends play horde the realm i am on is more horde populated then alliance? this is for Classic wow after all that im asking about thanks
Game will be dead in 2 months they should do it now
Whenever they need to boost sales for the big corporate bunny they will add it in the game
Probably. They have DF to prop up Q4 and Q3 already ended so… who knows when it will happen.
it would be more fair to just being out the Faction changes as people don’t what just sit and waiting for something that dose not have a guaranteed date of release
Think I’m gonna gear than faction change a rogue on Bene to horde. I will be a 1 man faction able to kill everybody I see.
hopefully Blizzard will bring out Faction changes soon as i cant be the only one siting in wait for it
So before the end of the quarter. Bobby already rushing Dragonflight to be out in time to pad Q4.
dragon flight wont be out till 28th of next mouth so they really shod be working on the Faction change for classic wow or at let give a time frame for Faction change on classic wow or give us a date for classic wow Faction change as the Community is waiting for this to be adding in to game along with the dungeon finder i mean for example i put a lot on work in to this Level 75 dk on classic and they wont me to start from nothing with a new one no pvp gear at 70 like come on Jesseraxx is full pvp gear and i have to go from that back to nothing that very un fear i think
faction change when?
if i had to wager a guess, i’d say probably around phase 2. i mean i don’t really mind waiting…gives me time to explore the Horde zones, get the cooking recipes i need, and run RFC as without a certain tool, it’s a royal PITA to do on Alliance. .-.
Yes lets welcome all the people who are going to faction change to alliance for easy AV wins and honor grinds.
NGL, that’s me. Horde Classic pvp is what Alliance pvp was in OG Wotlk, full of smooth brain zugs with no desire to improve or cooperate. Even our bots are stupid fishers that don’t fight back when killed.

Horde Classic pvp is what Alliance pvp was in OG Wotlk, full of smooth brain zugs with no desire to improve or cooperate.
ugh, i still remember having 20 stacks of a buff for WG, and outnumbering Horde and STILL losing, because people refused to cooperate and work together, insisting on being the “lone hero” or something.
even more embarrassing is how a full raid group of Alliance players got steamrolled by 3 Horde players, all because the former was too busy trying to be the one who dealt the killing blow, or the one who saved the day, while the latter worked as a cohesive unit.
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