Will WoW token value plummet?

With now only being able to buy 60 days of game time at once, will the value of the token plummet? If it actually goes up Id say more people are okay with this change than we all thought.

says right there in blue that tokens remain unchanged.


Reading changes is really hard it seems

With how many people are making nonsense threads about this whole change


supposedly their “value” is based on the market but at this point I suspect Blizz just sets the price and prints/deletes gold as needed

You can still purchase 30 days only of game time with tokens? Ill remove the thread if so, my bad.

Tokens still only give you 30 days. Why would Blizzard be that generous?

Tokens are indirectly affected since you could convert them to Blizzard Balance and buy game time in bulk at a reduced rate. This change removes that possible efficiency.


Lol bad post… Bad.

That would cause tokens to raise, not plummet

So I don’t know what you’re talking about

No, OP admitted that he thought Tokens would now give you 60 days.

you can still use tokens, convert them to blizzard cash, and buy a 60 day sub for a reduced rate. you wont have the option to do that for 90 or 180 days, as non recurring sub time will now be limited to only 60 days. pretty sure this is common to at least one other mmo that i know of. of couse, you can just use the token as 1 month of game time as well.

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Not gonna lie im very confused.

Some are saying this affects subscriptions and others say it doesnt.

Some are saying it affects token purchases and others dont.

Some are saying its only pre-paid game time and others say that is not the case.

Oh well Ill worry about it if and when the game tells me my sub has expired I guess.

Those who farm only enough gold to buy a monthly sub might not be able to during the first month of the change. But after that it shouldn’t affect demand for tokens overall.

But did they remove the 3- and 6-month discount options for game time?

GD loves to have literally any excuse to complain.

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Actually, during the first month, those who only farm enough gold for a month game time won’t have enough gold to buy the 2-month game time. So that would decrease demand for the WoW token in terms of WoW gold. That would be offset by those who have two months of gold to buy the 60 day game time.

So it’s unknown whether demand for tokens will go up or down just based on the change.

It does not effect subscriptions.

It might indirectly effect token prices.

This change is only for gametime, not for the subscription options. Previously folks had options for gametime with 30/180 day purchase options. It is now a flat 30$ for 60 days only.

The wow token will still only be worth 30 days

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Thank you. You stated this much more clearly than they did. I almost wonder if they are TRYING to confuse people.

I had a typo there, “It is not a flat 30$ for 60 days only.” should be “It is now a flat 30$ for 60 days only.”

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Yeah, i totally log in on a random day to find all my gold deleted.