Will We See Arthas in Shadowlands?

Huh, really? I always thought he was less whiney and crybaby like when compared to Anakin (as he commonly is). And I do believe he was one of the greatest if not the greatest villains ever introduced to WoW. I believe even Ion Hazzikostas said so as well in the history of WoW video.

Of course, because at that point Arthas had no soul. Yes his actions prior to Frostmourne were bad but some debatable. Strathlome is debatable, and even his expedition to Northrend. Even taking up Frostmourne in a gamble to save his people as he himself asked of the blade. While some gambles go well for heroes, this one did not. Thus he became one of the best villains in WoW, at least IMO.


Sure Arthas isn’t coming back… and BFA wasn’t an old god expansion, because they totally wouldn’t lie to protect spoilers.

That would be funny imagine the blizz forums ahaha

I’m counting on it to happen. Arthus was my all-time favorite. He’s the Anakin/Vader story of Warcraft III.

I personally think we will get to see some redemption. I also speculate we will find him specifically in The Maw. When he died, he said, “I see only darkness…”. Silvanas sort of described her hell like this when she jumped off Ice Crown shortly before being beamed up by nefarious space angels.

I say, “I’m counting on it”, cause I really don’t know what else will keep me playing if my boy can’t get some sort of redemption for doing all the wrong things for all the right reasons.

I would not mind one bit if we get to bring him back and make him a staple in future expansions. Though I could understand how this opinion would be unpopular. (Just don’t agree since most lore has been ret-coned anyways)

There is also the situation with Odyn’s stance on what is about to go down, not to mention Illidan is still chilling with space Satan.

Strange plots are ahead, but I really hope Blizzard takes this forum for what it’s worth, people wanna see Arthus again, the good Arthus. A dialogue or meeting between Tyrande, Illidan, Arthus, Malfurion, Medihv, Kadgar, Thrall, and Jayna would be too much to ask, but that’s the fan service I want…

That, my friends, is the epic “For Azeroth!” we deserve.

I’m really not into my character being a lead.


sure,then a big dragon will come out of the sky burn stormwind and an island in the mist will just rise from the water …

I can’t disagree with the Anakin part. He’s whiny, arrogant, and is easily led to his own downfall by being an idiot.

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Considering uther is coming back I would be extremely surprised if Arthas didn’t. I can’t wait to see him and if he regrets what he is done, or just see how he is doing now.

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What the hell… Do you guys have Arthas fetish or something?!? Even that streamer Asmangold as the same problem but he takes it on another level…sad…
Get help! You lot!

“he’s whiny”
Anakin: very whiny, we know that…something about sand when he was hitting on Padame in the prequels…and so much more.

Arthus: in a similar circumstance, his love triangle with Jayna and Kael’Thas during one of the novels. He was pretty whiny, details are fuzzy, it’s been a long time.

I’ma give Anakin the win though…dude was a bag of whine. So you probably got the point there.

However :D!
Anakin: yep…one quote, Obi-wan: “I’ve got the high ground don’t do it Anakin” -paraphrased.

Arthus: I can surmise a similar quote, I’m basing it off memory so don’t beat me up.

Muradin Bronzebeard; “I’ve got a bad feeling about this, let’s forget the sword and get out of hear”, or “I should have known this thing was cursed”. It’s been a while since I played…but, the point is, he doesn’t listen, and gets Muradin killed(?)

Also killed his horse because he made a rather poor choice to do a trick in bad weather. Kinda arrogant…to give your best friend the name “Invincible”…then test that out. Oh, and immediately vow to protect people after the horse your responsible for, dies because of your choices. -1000dkp

I’d say they are both pretty dumb…also counting the fact both their paths lead them to darkness, even though they had the best of intentions.

A good comparison again to draw.
Anakin killing the padawans, and Arthus purging the town. Now, to be fair…Arthus’ choice actually made so much more sense…Anakin’s was just…wth dude…

However, if we give it context it’s a bit better off being explained. Anakin was under the influence of the dark side, and Arthus was influenced by revenge and duty.

You can see how the levels of stupidity balance out in their choices. Under Anakin’s level of dark side influence, I’d say it was dam close to Arthus with frostmourne in hand. We know after he got frostmourne…not one person mattered anymore.

In summary, they are both evenly stupid, although Anakin brings a lot more whine to the table.

Arthus >>>>> Anakin anyday though. I can’t contest that Anakin’s the bigger dill here, but they are exceedingly similar in character arc.

I want him to be redeemed and to come back…as a Paladin. He did nothing wrong. I mean yea he went a little off the deep end when he stabbed his father through the chest or when he killed Uther, or when he killed everyone in his hometown. But other than than that he is a really good guy.


This post has to be coming from a Belf player’s perspective, upset that he stomped Quel’thalas.


Arthas is already there we just can’t see him because he’s invisible.

Seriously though even just some little side thing with Arthas spirit being involved would be alright even if it’s only for a short time.

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I can see it now. It is exposed that Sylvanas’s whole purpose of opening the Shadowlands was for vengeance against Arthas. She wanted to make the killing blow and be the last thing he saw before he died. And instead, Arthas kills her again.

That is my suspicion as well. I think that if anything, he will be a small quest chain in the Maw and that’s it; if anything. Blizz has said they really don’t want to tarnish his legacy. However, I think it would make even less sense to not mention him at all, or Terenas (his father). They need to be present in some capacity.


Blizzard can totally bring Arthas into this xpac without ruining his legacy… All i need is a Jaina and Arthas reunion and I’ll be content… They never got to give their proper goodbyes to one another.

After reading the story and learning that souls in the maw are used to forge weapons, I think it would be pretty awesome if Arthas was forged into the weapon that the jailer wielded. Then we could loot the weapon upon defeating the jailer. An effect of the sword would be the as an accursed memento, o ly whispers of things arthas said throughout his journeys.