Yes, and we need Kristen Schaal to do the voice of Onyxia.
That’s just not right.
I remember people had been asking for a ‘League of Legends’ animated series for literal –
And if I recall correctly, there was another small yet very loud segment of the players (and even rumored individuals amongst RIOT themselves) — who had vehemently suggested it would flop / would never be successful / is a stupid idea, etc …
Then ‘Arcane’ came out and humbled their obtrusive hubris & insistent arrogance by validating what many others had been saying for quite a very long time
Honestly though, if Blizzard were to pull off a successful animated series – I believe they’d have to pick the right time in the lore, with the right story & characters.
- Speaking for myself, I’d LOVE to see Blizzard do the animated series upon the story of Arthas, with the undead invasion of Quel’Thalas — Sylvanas’ fall & the rise of the Forsaken and the birth of the Argent factions to combat against the fallen prince now become a tyrant of undeath
… and preferably leave out the Jailor / any Shadowlands “lore” BS
Ultimately However,
Time will tell towards whether or not Blizzard will go towards that much desired route in the future.
But hey Here’s to the hopes they impress us all, eh?
When I heard the name Arcane I had assumed it was a DnD TV Show only to find it was League of Legions which as it turns out is a Spiritual Successor to DotA which also has a TV Show…
Speaking of DnD: that infamous WoW/WarCraft RPG was a DnD Setting officially…
Yes Ragnaros, Therazane, Neptulon and Al’Akir have counterparts in DnD’s own Elemental Planes which were created by Demigod Aesir & Vanir Titans with the same name as WoW Titans!
Technically it was the DnD Titans that had their names revealed first… No doubt the Elune of DnD’s Azeroth is infact Selune from the Forgotten Realms…
Apparently none of DnD’s Gods except Selune decided to visit the Prime Material Plane’s imagining of Azeroth, the Twisting Nether & Draenor and since Arcane Magic in DnD is just raw Magic unaligned with anything really that means the WoW RPG’s Fel is just the Mystra’s Essence in raw form.
Of course Mystra was born when Shar knocked out a chunk of Selune’s power so the WoW RPG’s Fel and Arcane would just be the Green Moon and Blue Moon Essence separated from the White Moon and Black Moon by the Night herself.
Good thing the main WoW Universe has a separate Canon from the DnD WoW Universe!
I think they might of toyed with the idea but backed off for two reasons.
First was Tokyopops short stories where blizz has very little control of the writing and it spawned a ton of lore ( the entire story of the headless horseman for example). It was canned not because it wasn’t popular but because blizzard wanted a tighter control on the story.
The warcraft movie is the second reason. It was a story told by blizzard and it was awful…
I think the first season should be based on the First War, though I’d be cool with them skipping to the Third.
They could do a lot more with an animated series than they could with a movie/another hybrid CGI/live action disasterpiece.
That would be a different show.
I just want a 30 minute cartoon of the Orc and the Human that were fighting in Pandaria. Last time we saw them, they were still trying to figure out how they got their butts beat by a Panda.
I would absolutely love just a mini-series of those.
But I also kind of want more serious stuff too in different styles.
Make it happen.