Will we ever get a Shalamayne transmog? I main ret, but 100% would go prot if I could xmog Shalamayne. Anyone else want to be able to transmog it?
My initial reply would be no because we generally don’t have access to iconic weapons.
Then my shaman’s Doomhammer and my paladins’ Ashbringer coughed from the corner.
So I guess, maybe?
You’d have to ask Anduin really nicely if he’ll let you borrow it first. Lore characters don’t usually want to share their weapons very often.
It’s a 2hander as well I thought. Then youd have to give it to warriors as individual swords as well.
Shalamane should remain in the hands of a wryn, it was always meant to be that way.
Except how it was created by elves for the 2 elves who used them until Jaina got them…
Anduin is currently using it. No one was using Ashbringer or Doomhammer or the like when we got those. And then they were technically retired.
Yeah, Legion was such a shocker when those iconic items all came out. But they really don’t have enough new iconic weapons to be able to do that again and adding just one for just one class seems unlikely even if it were just aesthetic.
Well it’s not just one class, more than just pallies can use swords though…