Will we 'buy' Classic or just pay a sub cost?

Edit: It’s been clarified. Thread over. Thanks for all the responses.

All I have to go on is this quote from the sticky:

My common sense tells me there will be an up-front cost, but the way Blizzard talks of Classic as a ‘museum’ project causes me to consider otherwise…along with this quote saying it’ll be ‘bundled.’ It’s seems a bit vague to me though, so I’m making this thread.

The reason it’s vague, is that it could possibly only be answering the cost to keep playing, since purchasing is often an obvious step.

What do you guys think? Will there be a cost to ‘purchase’ the Classic client? Or will it simply be integrated into all non-trial accounts for a simple subscription cost?

Here’s a poll…both for fun and opinions.

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I don’t believe there will be. You’ll get access to WoW Classic if you have access to Retail Sub.

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U can play current wow without buying and without sub up to level 20.

You can also not buy BFA but sub and play to 110.

There will be no box cost. If you’re subbed now that’s it, and if you’re not all you have to do is add a sub to an old or new sub when Classic comes out and thats it


Thanks for clarifying that I can let my friends know it’s only a sub cost now

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You make an account and sub to the game, you don’t have to buy anything. The only cost is the $15 sub. It also gives you access to retail other than whatever the new expansion is.

Same as what would happen if you subbed right now and you didn’t buy BFA.

Well, these replies are all great news. I have Bnet balance and am now sure I can immediately sub for Classic.

Now I need to hope Activision doesn’t strong-arm Blizzard into changing it (not interested in the “Activision IS Blizzard” arguments right now.)

It’s a combined sub, you play one or the other or both.

They’ve been fairly clear that there will not be a box cost.

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Lol a poll to discuss something we already 100% know.

Everything banjaa has put on there is basically gospel at this point as he has been updating it every time blizzard confirms something

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You don’t have to purchase the Retail client to play anymore, only a sub fee. So no, you 100% will not ever have to buy a box to play Classic. The only time you need to buy any box for Retail is to play an expansion, and I believe you can just buy the most recent expansion and get all of them.

WoW is cheap these days.

There was no source that I saw.

Something we already know? I clearly didn’t.

The poll is obviously redundant now, as is your mockery of it.

He wouldn’t put that post up there if it wasn’t true. Look at one of the many many many many videos he has on that specific post and I bet you it’s in there as they have stated this over and over and over and over again.

EDIT: Just noticed he had to take down the videos 1 sec.


Well your condescension would have made more sense if the videos were up. I watched a bunch of videos similar to those, but didn’t get a concrete answer.

I’ll leave it at that, thanks for posting them; I’ll give them a watch through now.

Edit: I must have only seen clips from the panel rather than the whole thing.

The last link will save you a bunch of time.

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You pay a Subscription for Classic, and you get Retail for free.

But I wouldn’t play Battle for Azeroth even if you paid me.

Wrong…It’s a combined Wow Sub.


You sub to World of Warcraft, which includes both retail and classic server options.

Now that its clear its just a sub, no box cost, just wanted to point out something. WoW Retail now runs the same way. There’s no cost for BfA, you just sub and it works. I imagine the next expac will have a cost initially, but for everything else its free. Its their new model of encouraging people to get into the game without a big upfront cost.