Will War Within Have Allied Races?

Now, the answer might seem obvious. “Yes”, you could say. There’s Undercooked Dwarves in the trailer and everything!

But they are just one Allied Race, and if you look at the title, you will see that the title says “allied races”. Plural.

Last time we got Allied Races, we got 10. And I know for a fact that 10 is significantly more than one. I payed a lot of attention in class back in second grade.

Do you think they will add more ARs post launch of is it one and done for TWW?

Nothing else has been announced. Maybe we’ll get additional ARs, but they might be between WW and Midnight. Way too early to tell.

But it’s never too early to speculate!

Honestly, they should change that word to specuearly :smiley:


We got ten last time? Hmm… horde got highmountain and nightborne, later maghar and zandalari, vulpera…while alliance got… hmm okay yeah I guess that number adds up. Given we didn’t get allied races till the tail end of Legion on into BFA so I suppose it was all in a row. I don’t want earthen dwarves though, I mean they showed earthen sethrakk so why not sethrakk instead of dwarves?

While I have my expectations low, I think we could see a race from the Undermine while we’re dwelling underground. :world_map::robot:

…there’s also the Sethrakk underground society that could be explored but it would have to be a new subrace to make it playable-- i’m fearful it’ll upset people. :robot::sweat_drops:

I believe I cornered the new Nerubians as a corruption similar to K’thir as they have fragments of void across their body. Maybe there could be another variation that can be playable but that will require a brand new skeleton with Dracthyr restrictions because of the caraparces. :robot::sweat_drops:

As plenty of people have pointed out, it is a bit interesting that they cooked up some lore to create a bipedal humanoid nerubian. So maybe…

In my short time playing this game i have learned to expect nothing from blizzard at all… that being said i would like a new AR. And even if this is controversial, i would prefer it to have an associated rep grind. They can lift that grind once the xpac is over if they feel like i wouldnt mind.

Probly. Could always use another modified Orc or Elf allied race.