When will Vulpera get their own starting area.
Why would they need one?
They’re a nomadic race that takes their homes with them, hence their racial ability allowing them to set up a camp anywhere and make it a hearthstone location.
Curious why a starting zone?
Not ever ever
Vulpera should start out chained in the goldshire inn basement, and you’ve got to team up with meerah to escape all the oddly-shirtless npcs.
Please keep your fanfics to yourself i didnt need to read that.
Don’t the Vulpera come from Vol’dun? Seems that should be their starting area.
Most allied races don’t have starting zones or even if they have a ‘spot’ the are at level 10 from, it’s only a simple little spot that sometimes you can’t even return to. The lore behind the races are the areas they’re from and the dungeons / quest lines that involve them.
It would be really freaking cool if allied races got a starting zone simply to immerse newer players within their lore but unfortunately unless someone at Blizzard does it as a hobby we probably won’t see any new starting zones for old allied races.
It’ll probably become safer for the people of goldshire.
There’s also the Bilge Rat pirates.
Why would they need a starting zone to do that? No new player starts with allied races unlocked. They immerse themselves in the lore unlocking the allied race by playing through their zone and completing their main story.
I might be wrong but aren’t allied races super easy to unlock now - you just do the unlock quest and that’s it? You don’t even experience their original zones or introduction to them? That alone is already jarring enough.
Plus, y’know: It’s a lot more immersive to have a 1-10 experience in a unique zone vs a 15-30 minute quest chain.
Do I want to escape?
It’s likely that they won’t.
I’d rather they got a useful bag of tricks.
nope your an allied race, not a standard one. you start at level 10, not 1.
A cool racial perk could then be that Vulpura get to use any starting area in the game, except Worgen, Goblin, and Death Knight for obvious reasons.
I kinda wish their starting zone was that starting questline in Voldun where we have to escape the Sethrak. Should be easy enough to simulate in a small, seperate instance that drops them in Org when finished.
Their starting area should be the hunting ground of a nobleman and his entourage.
… yes, it is called Vol’dun.
Vulperans travelled from Vol’dun to Orgrimmar to join the Horde.
That’s the nature of a nomadic race like Vulperans.
How long do you think it takes to get to level 10?