Will this be the patch that Brewmaster sees a rework or buffs?

If this patch comes out in mid Spring, it will mark 9 months since the infamous icon update patch.

So far, all we’ve received is a minor 0.9% increase in overall healing through Celestial Brew

I don’t know how much longer I can hope that Brewmaster will see changes. This might be it.


When you are not their favourite classes (e.g. Mage, hunter, paladin, shaman …) beware that you could get a new talent and they just waste time on nerfing anything you find that could benefits you a bit. That happens on some class for the entire 11.1 ptr.

I’m gonna toss a few hundred dollars in pennies into a wishing well that season 3 is Bear + Brew meta.

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At least Blizzard acknowledged that Mistweaver and Windwalker exist in the PvP patch notes despite the nerfs lol.

My co-tank loves his brew, so I’d be down for this.