So kind of a complicated question. I was wondering if, down the line, Blizzard was planning on letting those of us with multiple accounts under the same Battle-net account to transfer between them like we can in Retail.
The reason I ask is twofold: I used my current retail account to make a Classic character, not realizing that I couldn’t use it to play both at the same (not the biggest deal, but it’d nice to be able to switch back and forth…especially with queue times being the way they are).
The other reason is my other account was originally my first ever account…with the Vanilla collector’s edition code attached. I hadn’t realized that both accounts wouldn’t be flagged like they are in live. I’m kinda bummed that I’m not able to use my Panda Cub - that collector’s item was pretty special to me.
Until they open up paid server transfers, would there be any way to flag my linked account as having the Collector’s edition code as well? Or am I SOL for now? Appreciate any news, blues.