Will there be a new expansion announcement this year?

Blizzard has a few options

if they really care for World of Warcraft
They will spend an extra year making sure the expansion is in a good place and release it sometime in 2021

or they will go with the “We only want money” rout and release the next expansion next year.

Definitely. Every other year is an expansion announcement. We’ll be hearing about the next one this Blizzcon most likely. BfA will be in its final chapters by then.

8.3 should be live either right before Blizzcon or right after Blizzcon.

Which means, yes more than likely the next WoW xpac will be announced.

And i’m sure Blizzard is ready to ship BFA off and show us what A-Team has been working on the last year or so.


I hope not. BFA hasn’t even been out for a year, I don’t want a new expansion announcement so soon.


my greatest fear is BFA will be counted as the south seas expansion and I’ll never get a pure pirate expansion.


we should have had pirate ships and been able to sail across the oceans of the world! with some random ship vs ship pvp thrown in, kinda like a floating garrison.


Do you want a WoD-esque content drought? Because this is how you get it. I would rather they stay to their release schedule and put out a quality expac.

Next expac confirmed.

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Booty King.


The real question is what are they going to do about their game engine.

I have no idea how these things work but I know their old game engine limits them in what they can do.

Wish I knew more about tech but I’m just concerned its getting a wee bit old.

is the current Blizzard team capable of doing that?

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I mean did you ever played the pirates of the caribbean mmorpg? that’s literally what they had and it was such a satisfying gold sink buying oversized cannons to blow peoples ships to bits or crazy fast sails to just outrun everyone. I’m pretty sure you could even hire Npcs with different levels to man your guns and board enemy ships with you. I had so much fun with that system even if it was a kiddy game.

Yes, I believe they are. If you want to kill the game though, I can’t think of a better way then to have a content drought similar to WoD.

Blizzard LOVES money with low effort, i am astonished we do not have proper player housing…i would spend hundred of $$$ on furniture!

Yes you can kill me.

I am pro player housing and I agree it would be good financially for them. I have spent a fair amount in eso just to make my house which I visit maybe once a month look great and I regret nothing.

i would take a year of no content if it means the future expansion releases in an amazing state. Delayed gratification !

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Wait… people still believe in this A and B team theory? Just wow

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i know right! Nothing over the C team could have given us BfA!

Cataclysm was pretty meh. Mist was alright, WoD was pretty meh, Legion was alright, BFA is pretty meh.

Can only speculate through experience.

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Wow doesn’t need player housing. It needs legion pve, wod pvp, and mop class design.


And Wrath, and MoP content draughts.

all 3 were > 1 year.

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