Will the Voidwalker Ever Tank again?

Will the Developers ever fix our Voidwalker to be able to actually do its one thing it was designed to do? The one reason it exists? To Tank for us?

Or will we forever be relegated to face tanking every single encounter, to which you ask, Why do I even bother having this minion out since he obviously doesn’t do jack crap? Why is this minion even in my spellbook?

How long must we wait in this expansion before our Voidwalker’s tanking abilities are fixed to actually do what he was doing for the past decades? I’ve had to use more Healthstones and Potions in the last few months this expansion has been live than I have in the past 10 years.


nah, blizzard will delete this class, killing it little by little so far.


If you’re on the new Isle, the elites in the storm shreds VW in seconds.


I havent tested it in the new zone, but I think the VW being vulnerable is okay. Not holding aggro is one thing (this probably needs to be looked at), but the blueberry shouldn’t be invincible.

Use your kit to keep your demon up. We have talents and spells to facilitate this.

He gets 1 or 2 shot by elites in my solo loadout.

Check my item level.


last time i used the blueberry he got one shot by a normal mob in the siren isles, not even an elite, a NORMAL mob. my imp has tanked better than him in the rare occasion hes pulled aggro when im fighting multiple enemies


I’ve heard reports from Hunters that they are also experiencing problems with their pets holding aggro and tanking stuff.

Part of me wonders what the end goal Blizzard is attempting to aim towards. If both Pet classes are having problems with their pets. And I’m further worried, especially with the recent changes discussed about MM Hunters having a “Pet” that only exists outside the game space. Loosing something that class/spec has had for the past 20 years.

Is the end goal to potentially go this route for all pet classes/specs? Slow roll the change, by first making our pets worse at the things they’re supposed to do, to make the potential change of removing them a “better option”?

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Funny I’ve noticed this too. Moreso if imp attacks first.

On my Prot Warr, hunter pets, once they taunt, I will not get back aggro until I taunt back.

VW and FG however, I will easily out threat them every time. And Prot damage not that great.