Will the devs ever get scaling right?

They’ve failed in 20+ years to learn how to balance the game (evidence the massive nerfs still being put in a day or two before launch) of course they’ll never get scaling right.

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The gear treadmill is what is fun for most wow players. That’s why it’s the most successful rpg of all time. Your niche opinion is meaningless.

A level 60 couldn’t even land hits on a level 70 mob. We had hit rating back then.

Every rpg but wow has failed for the last 20 years. That’s why none of them are wow and most are out of business.

If you attack a mob 10 levels higher than you right now it can go sideways real fast.

But with level scaling…basically all the mobs are always your level, so you never see that growth and progression. You just see yourself weaker against the same mob you were just fighting.

Lol, no it’s not. Tons of people hate the endless grind. WoW was successful and continues to be for the very simple reason that it was the first game to corner the MMO market. Very much in the same vein as Google, Apple, and all the other internet and tech firsts. There is no magical formula that WoW devs discovered and there are plenty of things that WoW does much worse than less popular MMOs. The only reason they don’t change is because of sheeple like you who blindly and meekly accept whatever scraps Blizzard throw their way.

Zoomers don’t know about everquest.

The game’s scaling isn’t a problem when you play solo when going through a new expansion.

The problem is in leveling dungeons. And even then, it isn’t even a big problem. It just LOOKS WEIRD to see the lvl 80 character getting mauled by chinchillas while the lvl 70s have god mode enabled and are mowing down dungeons like a wish fulfilment isekai protagonist with an assault rifle and a light saber.

I don’t really care though, I will happily take lvl 70 toons carrying my alts to 80 for free in the group finder, and I’ll pay it back by then helping others level when I work up my alts. I do understand the frustration with how jarring the way scaling feels when players of differing level group though.

But I don’t think there’s a satisfying solution here. At least with this system, the low level players get to have fun being gods for a little while at the expense of the 78s and 79s who are drowning trying to fight one dungeon mob.

Doubtful, some classes require max gear to do same dps as a poorly geared hunter, pally, or warrior. Mainly because they are dev favorites. The tunning is way off especially making high rpm classes do worse dmg by ilvl with more chike points. The patch this week killed leveling was fine exp people were able to enjoy getting alts up for once now its back to alt lvl gaebage post tue patch.

There’s a difference between gear treadmill and what we have now.

You used to be able to go into an expansion and you got stronger. If you went into Wrath with Black Temple gear it was easier.

Now it’s if you’re in current raid gear you go into next season you’re weaker in the open world.

It’s stupid.

As I explained in my earlier post, removing NPC level scaling wouldn’t fix the problem, it would just make it so players of different levels couldn’t really group together anymore.

You’d still get “weaker” compared to the NPCs as you level because you are still going from S3-S4 purple raid gear to questing greens as you replace your gear.
The only way to “fix” this would be to make the current expansion’s gear start out at a higher power level than the best Dragonflight end game mythic raid gear and even then you still have the same problem, as you’re STILL going from end game purple raiding gear to questing greens.

That’s what a lot of people are ignoring. You’re going from end of expansion raid gear to questing greens as you progress though a new expansion of course you’re going to feel weaker compared to the NPCs.

bold of you to expect current devs to get ANYTHING right.

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Level scaling is fine, what is the problem is when they started adding ilvl scaling. But yes Blizz has no clue on how to implement either of them it seems.

No, scaling was an awful edition. Legion gave a misleading impression of it (All it did was let you do the Legion zones in any order), and when they saw people liked how Legion implemented it they took it as the okay for everywhere in the game.

The game feels like an absolute crapshoot right now. Blizzard advertised Delves as being single-person content. Since the scaling update I can barely take on 1 mob without being destroyed. It feels like I need a party to finish this content, which is 100% against their “plan”. This expansion has felt poorly communicated, poorly executed, and poorly planned. I would rather waste my time in legacy content than actively feel bad in “modern” content. I’m overwhelmingly disappointed in this expansion and I very much regret dropping money on what has ovivously been a cash grab.


I actually suspect it’s even worse than that. I believe that the entire Worldsoul “saga” was supposed to be 1 expansion that got split up into 3. A decision that was likely made right after Microsoft acquired Blizzard’s parent company, Activision, so that they could recoup part of the money they spent on the acquisition by effectively selling the same expansion 3 times in a shorter time frame than usual. This would explain everything that’s happened since then including the abrupt ending of DF, the leaks about Avaloren being planned as a part of the current expansion, and the rushed release of TWW complete with all the bugs and lack of content.

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I just got wrecked on my lvl 72 ele on that QUEST delve. Even my sad-butt Boomkin manage that one.

I’m calling this unplayable, at least in terms of fun. I’ll give them till next Friday COB to fix this combat imbalance.

Did that delve on my shadow priest without any difficulties. Only problem I ran into was I stood in the cone attack of the giant plant and nearly died but that was my own fault.

And no, my shadow priest didn’t have good gear. She had S2 dragonflight honor gear and any quest gear I had happened to pick up that was an upgrade.

I set Brann to healer which helped out. Are people who are having problems with the quest delve telling Brann to be a healer and picking up his health potions when you’re getting low?