Will the achievement CE and AotC H BoD?

Will the achievement CE and AotC for H BoD go away next week? Been trying for months. Hate to see all that effort wasted, like the 8 months I spent trying to get AotC H ABT and never got it.


This has the info on your question. But short answer, the achs are going to last until Azhara’s Palace opens.

Another 0/10 Autoattakk thread. :roll_eyes:


All this effort -> Zero heroic boss kills.

Autoattakk trolling never fails to sadden.


Well, when no one invites you and one’s own groups got unfilled 2/4/9, even N raids achievements go uncompleted. Effort seems to not matter despite the contrary.

If only he played the game as hard as he complains, he’d be 9/9M right now.


One has to wonder why he is still playing if he never gets rewarded for his “effort” holy cow. Thanks for my afternoon laugh autoattakk

Another insta-win Autoattakk thread. I hadn’t seen him post up for a while, thought maybe he’d finally quit.

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The funny part is I can read a post and know it’s him without even looking at the avatar.

Wait. This is satire right?

He’s just looking for a fair shake