Will T2 / Thunderfury drop in MC before BWL?

I’m not claiming that I’m not. I mean, if I was would I actually know it? :sunglasses:

Seriously though, a huge part of being an actual adult is having a thick enough skin as to not be perpetually offended like a child. This is just textbook 101 stuff here.

Part of being an adult is also not being accepting of bad behavior. Unless you’re only recently an adult, of the participation trophy generation.

Since you are obviously a member of the participation trophy generation let me explain what is completely wrong with what you just stated.

“Oppression is not hearing a word that offends you. Oppression is being told you can’t say certain words because you will offend someone else”

Only a bigot would decide they are the hall monitor of “bad behavior” on an internet forum. :wink:

Oppression is not “Please stop repeating a**l every server downtime”.

Please stop using overly excessive hyperbole. Having someone tell you you’re doing something irritating is not oppression. Intentionally continuing to do that to irritate, is trolling, and bad behavior.

No-one posts Thunderfury because they think someone genuinely asked for it.

If you are “irritated” then you lack the maturity to simply ignore. You do realize that YOU are responsible for how you feel and react to other people’s words and opinions. You do realize that don’t you? I truly hope you grasp at least that.

It would be an extremely sad existence to allow other people to dictate one’s mood and emotions.

And yet human society is based on empathy. If we had no empathy for other humans, society would devolve into riots and narcissism. Empathy is literally understanding and reacting to the feelings and emotions of other people.

LOL no, it’s not. Empathy is reacting to the genuine needs of others. Only a bigoted fascist would think that they are in a position to determine what speech is appropriate. And only a fascist would believe that that stifling someone else’s speech is a “need”.

noun: empathy

  1. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

synonyms: affinity with, rapport with, sympathy with, understanding of, sensitivity toward, sensibility to, identification with, awareness of, fellowship with, fellow feeling for, like-mindedness, togetherness, closeness to;

informal chemistry

“what is really important about learning a language is learning empathy for another culture”

antonyms: distance

Again, extreme hyperbole. Fascism is not simply telling someone that their behavior is inappropriate.

The ability to understand and share the feelings of another does not extend to a point of walking on eggshells because someone has a mental disorder or lack of maturity. I KNOW you are intelligent enough to know that.

And yes, telling someone that their behavior is inappropriate is the very heart of fascism when said behavior cannot cause any actual harm whatsoever.

Thunderfury bindings should not drop before phase 3 and you seem to forget that you need the elementium ore that only drops in BWL to make it. And the ore could only be made in to bars when the miner learns to smelt elemetium in BWL.

Thunderfury bindings should not drop before phase 3 and you seem to forget that you need the elementium ore that only drops in BWL to make it. And the ore could only be made in to bars when the miner learns to smelt elemetium in BWL.

I mentioned that 5 posts down in the the thread (not in Original Post).

One more important thing to note about Thunderfury:

Giving players a few extra months to try for their Bindings WOULD NOT change MC/early BWL balance/progression at all, as in order to craft Thunderfury you would still need the 10 Enchanted Elementium Bars from Elementium Ingots off the goblin technicians in BWL.

So best case scenario, an incredibly lucky player could enter BWL with both Bindings of the Windseeker, and still would not have access to Thunderfury until BWL was nearly fully cleared to learn the recipe to smelt Enchanted Elementium Bars from the Goblin after Flamegor.

Them using the original drop rates / locations / drop data is actually kinda cool in that it (kinda) reproduces the original path of progression in Classic that was present in the original Classic WoW.

Because of that I really don’t see a problem in them adding this in later because it brings the leading guilds back to Molten Core just like originally.

Thereafter people will still be farming MC because Trinkets and such do not have a 100% drop rate, and so Molten Core, BWL, and ZG will be on farm by the top guilds regardless of them being “Cleared” because certain items are that good.

That to me is awesome because it’s authentic, and something the Modern WoW play style is totally missing…

Glad we can all go back to a game where stuff actually made sense.

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Yea, and that is a valid point too. You were always going back to older content to gear new members / alts (and not to mention 40 players). Old raids weren’t instantly worthless just because a new tier released.

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Always thought of it as great game design because all the content was still valuable even in late game. That added a ton of depth to the game because it was not just “What’s current” but the entire scope of PVE giving the raiders a LOT of content chew on.

The trend did die away a bit in TBC and it’s one of the things that really turned me off in TBC. Wrath of the litch king almost entirely eliminated the practice and it’s one of the many reasons I really did not care a lot for Wrath.


I will just be glad to get a second chance at actually getting Thunderfury. I so can’t wait for Classic.

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Yea don’t get me wrong, this thread started from wondering what the itemization meant for MC since its not entirely clear cut how things like this will work, but I’ll be happy no matter how it all rolls out. Just looking forward to CLEARIN THE CORE WITH THE BROS AGAIN.

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It’s a good question, same can be said for ZG as well, same for the pattern off MC bosses I asked it a few times, and i think it’s more so just to wait on the patch till it comes out, which patch = what phase is another topic to argue.