Will T2 / Thunderfury drop in MC before BWL?

Right, and I never implied you did. What I was getting across, is your opinion is irrelevant when the Blues have stated items will be added with the phase corresponding to the patch they were implemented with.
So just because, in your opinion, it would be super sparkles for a chance at the bindings 6-months earlier, does not make it so.
All that glitters is (gold) hard to wash out of your hair.

Then classic will not be a “museum piece”, it will be sanitized for the perpetualy offended, won’t it?

Hmm, I don’t think I entered MC before 1.4. I remember getting the T2 helm and going “What the hell is this boring stuff?” before they updated the art assets, but not that it dropped in MC.

Can someone actually link to show that Bindings didn’t drop before 1.6 in Vanilla, because I’m 99% sure that they did.

I remember original wow forums a hunter got a lot of abuse for getting a binding, and there was a lot of back and forth discussion, that boiled down to it wasn’t the hunter or his guild being bad, it’s just that legendary binding drop with hunter class was available BEFORE anyone knew about thunderfury.

I have less reliable reports from my guild mates that a binding dropped on their combined 3 guild coalition that they did before I joined, and I know I was raiding MC with them BEFORE 1.6 dropped. Placing the bindings drop available from the start.

So is this whole thread misinformation?

Does someone have a link saying bindings didn’t drop early, because if you think they didn’t before BWL came out… You’re wrong.

Or is there a blue post saying bindings will be held back in Classic to change how things will be?

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T2 helm will still be obtainable from Ony. It’s just the T2 legs that may not drop from Rag.

Can someone actually link to show that Bindings didn’t drop before 1.6 in Vanilla, because I’m 99% sure that they did.

Yea I actually don’t know, they could very well. I googled around quite a bit and got nothing about the bindings, just that the questline was added in 1.6.

So is this whole thread misinformation?

Could be! But that’s sort of what I was trying to get to the bottom of. “Will Bindings drop in MC before BWL?”

Work for it, specially that TF nerd.

As opposed to being treated like Retail Trade with zero actual relevance to the game, and constant arguments about how Trump is right?

Wowpedia puts the bindings being added in patch 1.6

h ttps://wow.gamepedia.com/Bindings_of_the_Windseeker (see patch changes)

however there is nothing official about Thunderfury, nor the bindings in the official 1.6.0 patch notes.


Apparently it is, because you’d report people and have them silenced based on your own personal preferences.

It’s one thing to ignore something you don’t like; it’s another thing to report someone else and have them silenced so no one can hear it.

It’s called a meme, not a troll, and yes, they’re a lot of fun, actually.

The irony of having these two sentences in the same post is quite humorous, I’d say.

“Did someone say…?” is humor.


Yo, can we keep the arguing about THUNDERFURY, BLESSED BLADE OF THE WINDSEEKER in trade chat to its own thread?

This thread is about arguing about THUNDERFURY, BLESSED BLADE OF THE WINDSEEKER in Molten Core.


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In the same way that fart jokes are humor.

Meh, we answered the question on Bindings of the Windseeker.

Mmm, no, not quite. Fart jokes aren’t memes.

I wouldn’t expect a censor to have a sense of humor, though.

You don’t have any friends IRL do you? You seem like you’d be so much fun at parties.

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Why do people always fall back to ad hominems. I actually have plenty of friends in real life, a partner of 3 years, a house, a good job, a regular social life and all the other things that make up a well rounded life.

I also don’t engage in the “a**l” jokes before a server goes down, spam Thunderfury whenever a question is asked in Trade, or generally abuse people’s personal lives when they disagree with me.

Feel free to disagree. But back off the ad hominems.

It would make sense in a perfect world for bindings to not drop until BWL is released.

In wow classic? I have no idea.

You sound triggered and are putting in an awful lot of defensive explanation to a complete random stranger on the internet. Are you sure all of that is true? Let’s face facts. People who get offended by words posted on a computer screen have deeper issues than just “it’s annoying.”.

In 15 years of playing this game I have never ONCE reported anyone or put a single person on ignore. I joke about it, because it’s funny. But I wear my big boy pants 24/7 and nothing posted on a computer screen can affect or offend me. If it could, I would honestly seek professional help.

If that’s what you consider triggered, you must have a lot of very sensitive friends. It was merely a response.

If there’s no way you can be offended, you definitely should consider that an issue. Generally people with zero empathy or reaction are sociopaths. I’m not claiming you are, I just disagree there’s nothing that could offend you.